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the clock read back to jimin. only two hours until he would see his glorious eye candy in person, that is, if she decided to show up. he couldn't believe how abrupt the phone call had been - he was barely getting out of his steamy shower and in the moment of rubbing the soap out of his eye. hearing her voice, menda that is, through the phone, was scary but also epic. he let his burning eye sting as he kept his almond-shaped eyes peeled; in panic and in shock.

menda had sounded like an angry chirping bird, trying her best to sound intimidating but jimin could hear the cracking under her tone. he visualized how she probably looked then and there - her small hands balled into fists and her lips pouty.

jimin was quick to improvise on this sudden attack, it was either to play it off dumb or be himself.

of course, he chose his own instinct and handled her gently.

after he hung up, he whispered a 'yes' to himself and did a mini dance of how he took the situation. but he was far from safe. hoseok had yelled at him all night about lying and going through people's privacy. jimin sat there, taking the blow, since he did lie and did do some fishing. it's not like he didn't feel guilty, but he was sort of glad he did it.

hoseok had only approved of this 'date' with menda since he saw it as a 'sorry-i-took-your-laptop' dinner. but jimin took this as an opportunity to see her in a dress he fancied from a picture he saw, and to ask her questions that have been flooding his mind.

his eyes would keep darting to the clock on his phone, watching the number change every sixty seconds and it made his stomach bunch up.



"mei! i have an hour left to decide what i want to do, i think i'm going to have an anxiety attack!" menda boomed, throwing her hands to her neck as she grasped it for air.

mei whacked menda's shoulder playfully. "yah-menda! you'll be fine, don't be so dramatic. haven't you been on a date before?"

menda sighed heavily and tangled her hands in front of her face, thinking back to her cringe-worthy relationships.

usual picnics then and there, and a coffee date was as far as she went. she struggled to even remember the last kiss she had shared, too sloppy of a moment to even cherish.

it's been embarrassingly long since menda has put herself out there. every relationship she would encounter was a mess.

but how could she even consider a relationship with a thief like jimin? especially since he went through all of her stuff she thought no one would ever see.

she remembered how he brought up that velvet colored dress, her heart clenching at the comment. that had very much answered one of the questions that have been hammering in her head.

"go put on that red dress you have been hiding in your closet for like, years. this place is fancy men, i searched it up."

menda rolled her eyes and and crossed her arms. "but it makes me feel naughty." a tint of pink was visual on menda's pale cheeks.

"well, maybe that's the push you need so you don't look like an abused puppy. keep your head up high and display yourself well." mei shooed her to the direction of her closet.

menda stomped childishly to her closet, opening it slowly. she did thank herself for finally spilling the beans to mei, after the phone call with jimin she immediately called mei.

mei had rushed over, and listened carefully. for once she gave actual advice to menda. and once again, she was being a good helper.

"why do you have that dress, anyways?" mei questioned.

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