The Storm

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It was another glorious day in Adventure Bay. The sun was shining. The birds were chirping.

Basically, it was very cliche.

Redpaw sat on top of the Lookout, just outside Ryder's room. In the months since he had been adopted, he hadn't grown very much. Katie was unable to determine exactly what type of breed he was, but one thing was certain: he was a small wolf.

Just a bit taller than Skye, Redpaw saw both advantages and disadvantages. He was fast, nearly as fast as Chase. He was stronger than Rubble. He could fit into tight spaces. He didn't need to eat much. He was also underestimated. Everyone loved him, for sure. They had proved that the very first day they had met.

But, they seem to baby him a little as well. Even Skye, who's the smallest out of them all. It's not like Redpaw doesn't like being held or snuggled, every pup likes that. But, sometimes, it's too much.

For instance, today, Ryder insisted on helping Redpaw into his ATV. Redpaw refused and jumped inside by himself. Ryder claimed he "didn't want him to get hurt" but Redpaw simply rolled his eyes.

Perhaps he didn't realize how adorable he looked with his bright blue eyes, his dark, soft fur coat. His pointy ears and, how he got his name, his red paw pads.

He sighed as he watched the pups playing. Marshall and Rubble were playing tug toy. Rocky was sun bathing. Some had gone off on a mission. Redpaw dreamed of joining the PAW Patrol, but he still hadn't found his one special talent. In fact, he shared traits with many of the pups.

Chase's super smell and hearing, Rocky's love for technology, flying sky high with Skye, building with Rubble, surfing with Zuma. He didn't like fires. That was his major fear. But he did like comforting those that were hurt, like Marshall.

What's my special talent, he thought. His pup tag jingled as the wind shifted. He looked down at it with a smile. It was a black tag, like his fur. In the middle, a red paw print.

His ears perked. He swore he heard something, as if something had exploded. Ignoring the playing pups, he looked out into the distance, front paws on the railing.

On the horizon, he spotted dark clouds. It hadn't rained in Adventure Bay in weeks. He sniffed the air, his tail wagging carelessly behind him.

"What's up, Red?" Redpaw yipped, falling into his back. He looked up to see a smiling Dalmatian.

"Marshall! You scared me!" Redpaw said. The Dally giggled, helping him up. "There's a storm coming."

Marshall sniffed the air and frowned. "You're right! Better tell Ryder." He barked, activating his collar. "Ryder, rainstorm incoming."

"Thanks, Marshall," Ryder said through static. "We're... most... here-"

"Ryder?" The communication was cut. "Huh? That's never happened before."

Redpaw looked at his own collar. "Is this supposed to happen?" Marshall looked down to see Redpaw's tag glowing.

"Only when it's activated. It must be because I barked." Redpaw sat on his haunches, bringing a paw up to the tag. "I guess Ryder has to tune it some- Whoa..." Marshall whispered. "Redpaw, your paw..."

"What is it?" Redpaw said, looking at his paw. His muzzle fell open. His paw pad was pulsating a dim red glow. He folded his ears back and tucked his tail as he looked at his other paws. "W-what's happening?" he whined.

"Uh, you're okay," Marshall assured him, a strange look on his face. "Let's go to Katie's, alright?" Redpaw nodded, looking back at his paw. He looked back out towards the bay. The clouds were getting closer and his paws began tingling. He didn't tell Marshall, but, he had a bad feeling about something.

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