The Fall

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With Chase asleep next to her, Skye thought to herself for a moment. I should really come clean about how I really feel about him. It's obvious he likes me. Just then, Chase's collar activated. He mumbled something in his sleep, pawing the air. Skye giggled, activating her helicopters communicator.

"Rocky, he's asleep, and drooling. What's up?"

"Find anything?"

"No. We're only a few miles away though, so it shouldn't be long n-". Her muzzle dropped and her eyes widened. "Oh my pup..."

"What's wrong? What happened?"

Skye couldn't believe her eyes. She looked down at her control panel. "The sinkhole. It's- It's gone! How is that even possible?"

"Sk- Can- ear me-"

"Rocky?" Alarms began to ring all at once, startling Chase from his sleep. He looked around, then to Skye. "I've lost control!" Then, all of a sudden, the aircraft dropped from the sky. "Mayday, mayday! Flight down! Emergency landing!" Her communicator stopped working.


"Skye!" Chase yelled. She manually activated the eject seat function, sending them high into the sky.

"Wings!" she barked. He puppack didn't work. "Drat! Chase, pull the chord!"

Chase did as he was told, and she followed. The parachutes opened and they both sighed with relief. Skye's helicopter hit the ground, exploding on impact. "What happened? Why did you lose control?"

"I don't know. The power just shut off, as if something caused it. My puppack isn't working either."

Soon, they landed on the ground. They both looked around. They were in the middle of nowhere, the last known location of the PAW Patroller. "They disappeared around here. I can smell the PAW Patroller." He frowned. "It's faint, but I might be able to track it."

"On foot?"

"Better than nothing. Come on." They started walking, leaving the flaming remains of Skye's rig behind.


"Where are Chase and Skye? Why did you ask me to do that? Are they in danger? What's going on?" Redpaw continued mouthing off questions and Rocky refused to answer them. They raced back to the Lookout. Rocky burst into the Command Room, firing up the tracker.

"Skye's helicopter was tracked to the same exact spot where the PAW Patroller was," Rocky said. "My guess is something is either blocking the signal or shutting it down."

"Why would something turn it off?" Redpaw asked.

"Someone is hiding something." Rocky dashed off to the basement. "I'll be right back!" he yelled to Redpaw.

Redpaw sat on the floor, scratching his ear. "Something fishy is going on around here and, for once, it's not my fur." He looked over at the monitor. "I've seen Rocky play with that a hundred times. I bet I can find them." He trotted over to it. Standing on his hind legs, he wobbled a bit before looking at the controls. "So many buttons..." he whimpered.

He pressed one. A shock entered his body. A brief image flashed on the display before he fell back. "Redpaw," Rocky gasped, causing the pup to fold his ears.

"I'm sorry! I-I just wanted to help!"

"I think you did..." Rocky nudged the pup back towards the panel. "Did it hurt?"

"It felt weird. Did I break it?"

"No, no, pup. But I think I know how you can help. Put your paws on the buttons."

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