Sherlock could see Molly in the distance. She was wearing her usual white lab coat and her mousey brown hair pinned back into her usual ponytail. In front of her was a body of a dark haired man aged around 40 years old.
"Molly!", Sherlock called. Molly responded to the sound by turning her head. "I need to see a body, it came in last night, young, blonde female". Molly momentarily stared back at him blankly before it dawned upon her who he meant.
"Yes, of course", she headed off swiftly to collect the body Sherlock had asked for. John passed his eyes around the room, not much had changed since he'd last been here except a couple different experiments appeared to be taking place. Molly returned, wheeling the body through. Sherlock smiled to show his gratitude.
"Tell me everything you know so far", Sherlock demanded.
"She was first beaten by what seems to be a numerous amount of men. It's suspected that at least one of them used a weapon, most probably a baseball bat. She suffered a fractured rib. However this wasn't what killed her. She also appeared to have been strangled-"
"That's enough Molly. And you're wrong. It wasn't strangulation that killed her, nor was it the brutal beating."
"I don't understand."
"She died 21 hours ago, right?"
"These bruisings are only around 19 hours old. Something else killed her."
John and Molly both stared at Sherlock in disbelief.