Part 7

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"The wheels on the bus go round and round. Round and round. Round and round!" The class sang in unison, too excited to try and act mature. (Y/n) sang along with everyone, even though she was upset she was forced to sit in the front. Usually on the bus, everyone just found a random spot. However, Mr. Kuran had gave them assigned seating. She was to sit second seat behind the driver while Mr. Kuran was on the other side first seat. Henry, sadly, was in the very back. But that didn't mean she was completely lonely, no, she had a cell phone. 

Kaname watched the other students as they all sang out of tune, but he mostly watched (y/n). He would glance to her teeth to see if he saw anything..different. She honestly looked like she had small size fangs, but also didn't. (Y/n) confused him with her teeth, her voice, her hair, her hands, her lips...

"Kaname, we're almost there." Haruka snapped at Kaname behind the driver's seat on the opposite side. Haruka was extra sensitive in hearing, so, hearing the kids sing wasn't exactly a joy ride on the bus. 

(Y/n) watched as the principal stood when the bus parked to rant on and on about being safe. They were luckily, and strangely, the only people going to be at the park. It was specifically reserved for them which must of cost a lot of money. From her school that was known for being broke? How. 

Henry texted (Y/n) and the messaged answered her question. " They must of stolen the money ;P" She couldn't help but giggle. 

All the kids rounded one by one off the bus and to the tickets. (Y/n) waited for Henry outside the bus and they both got their tickets together, laughing. 

Kaname was last to get off the bus and as he looked out to see (y/n) and Henry laughing, the window cracked in the place where Henry's head was. 

Even though the kids had arrived in the morning, the sun was quickly going to sleep and demanded an end and quiet from the children. Haruka was sitting near the food stand, eating some blue cotton candy as he watched the kids. Kaname on the other hand, had been searching for his future wife this whole time with no successes. 

"Wherever that god damn punk hid her I swear I'll-" Kaname began to grumble when someone cut him off.

"Mr. Kuran, is something wrong?" Suddenly, the girl he had been looking for was under his nose. She looked up to him with her big (e/c) eyes, her face showing concern for him. She was on her tippy toes to get taller and inspect him, maybe for a fever? But if he left those eyes he could of, no he should never, at least not yet. 

"I'm fine. Where's your friend?" He smiled to her gently, glad the punk was gone but if pissed he ditched her.

(Y/n) sighed and Kaname got pissed, " Oh he's flirting with some girls..." 

"What a rude friend...may I try to replace him?" He chuckled softly although he was completely serious.

"Sure~! Do you like the Tea Cups?" (Y/n) giggled, thinking it may be fun to go on a ride with him. Get on his good side and some nice extra credit.

"My favorite." He lied. "Mine too!" She didn't. 

Than there they were, the two were sitting in a white with red edge giant tea cup. "Faster~!" The girl squealed in the cup and the man followed his orders. Faster, and faster, and faster the cup circled. When the two left their cup, they too were going in a circle in a giant circle to exit. 

Kaname leaned on the gate outside of the ride, laughing with his future wife. 
"Woeeeeee!" She suddenly said to the side of them as she almost fell. Almost. She would've if it wasn't for his arm snaked behind her. 

Kaname's red and brown eyes looked into (e/c) gems. The world, suddenly disappeared and all he could see was her. Yet, her world did not disappear. She was still spinning and although his eyes stood in place, she felt his arm. "M-Mr. K-Kuran...?" 

Kaname helped her lean on the gate and she gave a small gulp. "Excuse me if that was unprofessional. I simply did not want you to fall.." She only nodded, and gulped. 

Kaname's lips had lied, but his heart beat did not.

(Y/n) brain made logic of his lie, but her heart beat could not be explained with logic. 

That night had been magical, but with every magic, comes darkness. (Y/n) tossed and turned in her bed, asleep for the most part. Yet, her dreams were wildly awake. She dreamed of the lady and the man again, but it went farther this time. When the woman raised her hand to slash, she was staring at a random girl on the ground. Her body torn to bits and missing, her eyes like a glassy mirror. (Y/n) saw her reflection, she had long and sharp fangs, too sharp and long for any normal human. Her hair was long and twirled in a mess. But her eyes, that was the scariest part. Her eyes were the same red as the string that connected lovers except stained and when she discovered this, the man was in front of her. 

The man stared down at the woman, his body no longer destroyed from the wounds she earlier created. But his eyes too, were different. They were no longer gentle and soothing, but hostile and painful to look into. Why? Why did she feel so much pain in her body? Why did most of the pain, center on her neck of all places? 
Croaking out the woman begged, "Help me." 
The help he gave, was not the help she wanted, but the help she would need. 

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