Murder of the landlady

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29 year old Sheila Calfari lived in Block 804, floor 3 at 67 Yussir street. She is a tenant of 56 year old Larida Hadi Rachistamnamy, who is a landlady. She has approximately 21 rooms and has 17 tenants including Sheila. Sheila works as a human resources manager at an office nearby. The income was high. She is paid $5000 monthly. The reason that she lives in a boarding house is that she wants to saved up the money so that she cant buy a nice apartment unit.

But that all change.The income that has been steadily flowing into her accounts suddenly stopped. The economy crisis has hit. She was among the 200 workers laid off. In her thoughts, she was desperate, and lost all hope in getting a nice, house.

During the night of February, as she was smoking on the balcony and drinking straight from a vodka, her next door neighbour Gerardine approached her.

"Shil, i know you got laid off. sO WHAT are you gonna do?" Gerardine asked.

Puffing the smoke from the ciggarete, she sighed." I don't know. Maybe it's the tallest building there for me."

"sHUSH dear. I know of a simple plan"

"What is it" Sheila turned to Gerardine.

"Our landlady, Hadi, kept a lot of money. I saw her keep it in a cupboard. Tons of money" Gerardine explained with eagerness,

Sheila's expression changed. "Wow. That's a lot of money, like how much"

"i estimate it to be around thousands. And she has a bank account to."

"I never thought that our landlady was a rich lady.." Sheila sneered

"She is a rich lady. She has 3 properties around the country and has one property that rent rooms to university students. I bet her account is "fat" ".

"So you want to steal all of her money"

At this time of economy crisis, everyone was desperate of money. And they would get the money in any way regardless of how they will get it.

"Yes we will steal her money. But, we will make sure she will not breath again."

Sheila praised her, not thinking that it is a death sentence.

"We 2 will kill her? 2 of us?"

"No. With the help of my mates".

The next day Sheila and Gerardine met at Courts Restaurant to discuss the plan to kill the landlady. Along with them was 2 men, Harris Ryder and Owen Walker. They were 23, and 22 years old respectively. Ryder was well built and a weight lifter,and Walker has a black belt in Taekwando, though he rarely practices it.

Having ordered Spaggethi, Peperoni Pizza, Bacon,beef cheese burger and fries with fried chicken, they discuss the plan to kill the landlady. Their big, bubble drinks have been served.

"So, we want the money that Hida hoards. I saw one time that she hoards the cash in a cupbaord. It was a stack of cash and it was pretty high."

Harris laughed at the idea that such a woman would be stupid enough to keep cash at such an easy place.

"That's gonna be so easy. A piece of cake. The problem is how we would finish of Hida." He said as he bites the burger.

As Owen bites his fries, a lightbulb moment came up.

" I will strangle her and stab her from the back. And then, you( Sheila) will stab her in the stomach to give more pain".

Sheila at first nodded, but she got a better idea.

"I have a better plan. But the plan involves much gore. much, much gore"

"So what is the much gore"Owen asked.

"In the kitchen, i saw that she has a large butcher knife. And that's where the plan will begin.While i repeatedly stabbed her, one of you (Pointing to Owen and Harris) will take the large knife and hand it over to me, and i will cut off it's head - to give a large pain".

Gerardine gasped with awe as Sheila revealed the plan. " So hardocore sis!" Gerardine gulped down on her drink.

" I love you plan! So, when are we gonna execute the plan Sheila?" Owen said.

Sheila think for a while, while eating down her food, Spaghetti, is thinking how will she execute the plan,

" lemme think for a while" - she asked the trio. The trio nodded as they continued to eat the food and drinks the drink that they ordered,

After the food and drinks have been consumed to their stomachs, Gerardine reminded Sheila.

"So, have you got your plan?" she reminded.

"AH YES! I will put a modus before you finished her off". Sheila responded.

Owen, Harris and Gerardine listens closely so that no one else will overhear it.

"So, tomorrow, at night, you two, Harris and Owen, will wait outside. I then will ask miss Hida that i have 2 friends looking for rooms, and you two will enter, and once she is showing you an empty room, Owen will strangle her and stab her from the back. Harris will then go front and stab her in the wrists. I then will drag her body to the nearby bathroom, and that's when, Owen, will grab the large butcher knife and i will cut off her head."

"Deal" the 2 - Owen and Harris chorused.

Sheila continued. " When we run into the cupboard, we will get all the cash. But we will put in a box. We then will divide in a ratio. me, 4, Harris,6, Owen,7and Gerardine, 3."

"I'll be happy so"Gerardine told Sheila.

They then paid the bills and went home.

"REMEMBER, be there at 9PM" Sheila reminded Harris and Owen as they walked separate ways.

"Okay! Call me!" Owen waved his hands.

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