What to write?

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That is what have been thought by Deah Mazzurah. He is an online writer at Wattpad. And have written several books at Wattpad, but with not so many readers coming to his page.  He had written several books, among them Short Stories, The Horror of Wachista, Walker Street. In total, he had written 6 books, with one in progress, with total accumulating just 277 reads, and no comments.

Perhaps there is a reason why his book lacked so many reads. Lack of promotion, or the books isn't interesting enough. Or, his skill in writing isn't so good which explains why his books got so less views. 

So he went to the forum, to ask the people in the forum to read his books. KABAAM!! His questions was attacked by users asking him not to "promote" his so called story. His question was against the community guidelines, don't ask here, promote elsewhere..bla bla bla. 

Deah was caught off guard by this. He had not read the rules that it was against the community guidelines to promote your stories in user forums.  And so, he will not ask there anymore. So, if he cannot ask on the user forums to promote his books, then why not promote his books on Facebook, twitter, and tumblr?

Great thinking and suggestion, he thought. Why hadn't he though of that earlier? If he had, then he need not go thru that bad experience. 

He click on the"share" button on the wattpad and it got shared on his tumblr account. He tagged along #wattpad #wattpadwriters #writer #books.He post it and waited for anyone to stumble in into his post and read his story. He hopes that "someone" who will stumble into his story will like it. To increase his views to his story, he also promote thru Facebook and twitter. He waited for a few days for the result.

A few days later, he checked in on wattpad and see how many views that his story has got. 307 views. Well, the promotion must have had worked! Then, on the top right of the screen, he noticed that he got 8 notifications, he opened it, and got ecstatic. What was the notifications about?

He got 2 new followers, named "Bri829sun" and"Laila89322",4 votes to his story, and 2 comments. The comments praised the story. Now,he has 9 followers. 

That likes, comments, and new followers give him motivation to create new stories. Because of that, it pushed him to write 2 new stories, (both of them short stories). They were named "The mind of a Flight attendant" and "Struggles". These stories was very sensationalized, exaggerated beyond imagination. They uses very catchy words, and contain anecdotes, plot twists, and betrayal. 

That 2 new stories have him 10 more votes, 5 more followers, and many comments. The more praises, criticism he received, the more stories he published, in an even better quality. Soon, he had amassed over 100 followers and 3,800 total reads. He had reached the summit of his popularity.

That was until... he run out of ideas. Oh no! This is bad, he thought. What to write, what to write, he pondered. 

If he does write a story that is of mundane quality, his followers will be lost, and became a laughing stock of the Wattpad community. He went thru his mind and think what kind of stories that he can come up with.

A love story? Nah, so mainstream. Mystery, horror,thriller,etc..? That's out of the question. I need to think of a story that is not like any genres in this site. Something that breaks the norm, something very explosive, something that few Wattpad users have done. He struggles to think of an idea.

Then, something pops in his mind. Why not write a story, that breaks the 4th wall? A story about you, struggling for an idea to write a story? That would attract many views! 

He went off to develop a new story on his wattpad, inside a book which has the combinations of short stories. He entitled the story "What to write.."

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