Veena x Yato

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|| Bartender AU 


"Kazuma, how busy are we going to be tonight?"

"Well, we had a couple check outs earlier, but we still have approximately five more check-ins left, so that leaves us at about forty percent." The blonde nodded, going back to her bar.

The bar and the hotel weren't always so busy, but they did get their colorful group of customers. Although most of the customers were from the town too, trying to get a break and escape to the hotel to get away from their daily routines.

Veena, or Bisha as known to some, was the lead bartender. Kazuma was the front desk host for that night. She was finishing setting up the bar as she heard some jingling coming down the hall. The jingling came closer and closer, until it stopped in front of her counter. She smiled and turned around.

"Hello and welcome to..." Her voice trailed off as her eyes traveled on to see who it was. It was a blue eyed, sweat smelling, jersey wearing guy. He smirked as her smile turned more into a scowl.

"'Sup Bisha." He mini saluted her with two fingers before perching himself on a stool.

"Escaping reality yet again, Yato?" she almost spat at him. She glanced over at Kazuma as she made her remark, who only gave her a stern look that read: "behave".

"Yeah, yeah." He mumbled. "It's been so tough staying at Kofuku's. Ever since little Daigo was born, things have been sorta restless. Even Yukine has been on his toes." He rested his head on the counter.

"And let me guess, Yukine kicked you out because you kept whining like that baby too?" Yato rolled his eyes at her, but she had been spot on. She have a laugh and Yato mocked her.


"What do you want?" He gave her a Cheshire cat smile.

"Long Island Iced Tea, please." She shook her head and turned, going to work on his intricate drink.

"Rum, tequila, vodka, gin..." She sighed. "You really want to get wasted this time, don't you?" He gave a guilty chuckle.

"That baby makes my head pound." He whined. "Papa needs a break." She scoffed.

"If you need a break, I can only imagine the break that Daikoku might need." Bisha mixed his drink in a shaker glass before pouring it into a cocktail glass. She placed a coaster napkin on the bar counter and placed the glass on the napkin, sliding it in front of Yato.

"Yum, yum." He mumbled.

"Don't drink it too fast." She told him as he was about to chug the whole drink down. He gave another guilty chuckle and she glared at him. "I'm warning you, Yato." He hung his head with a sigh.

"Alright, alright." He took a sip of his drink, while Bisha went over to her mixing station and began to clean up, putting the bottles back on display and the dirty glasses into her bus tub.

After she wiped down, she went to lean to lean on her counter, across of Yato.

"So, how's Daigo doing?" She asked, crossing her arms. He picked up a stirrer and, rolling it back and forth on the counter while she picked at her nails.

"Suffering from something called colic?" He shrugged. "All I know is that he won't stop crying. Kofuku's doing a good job though." He finished his drink, giving out his signature satisfied sigh.

"Vodka and cranberry?"

"You know me so well." He hummed. She shook her head and mixed his next drink, pouring it into a new glass and setting it in front of Yato. "Yummy yummy." He mumbled quietly.

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