Meeting back someone

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Sar yong's POV

When I get back home,I go to my sister.


"Oh!Yes,Sar Yong!"

"Saeyeon,I got a work but I have to wake up early tomorrow."


"6 o'clock!"

"Very early!I can't awake you,too."

Lee yong jogs in.

"Hey!Lee yong.What are you hiding for?"

"You will know later!"


I interrupt.

"Saeyeon,what shall I do?"

"You shouldn't accept this work."

"So,how will we get money?"

"Ah!That's also true.So,how about....!Oh.I have got an idea."

She shouts,

"Lee yong"

"Yes,I am coming."

They two talk.

"Lee yong,you can wake up early,right?"


"Can you wake up Sar Yong tomorrow at 6 o'clock?"

"Why so early?"

"I don't know.Please,can you?"


I interrupt.

"Oppa!Please wake me up at 5 o'clock.Will it be ok?"


"So,Saeyeon and Lee yong,I will make a special dinner,today."

"What?"Lee yong asks.

"Just wait and see!!!"

Minho's POV

Today,I really feel excited.I am back to Korea.I can see back Sar Yong and my best friend Min Joon.I want to meet them back just now.I think Sar Yong has forgot me.I left her and went away.At that time,she needed money.That's how,I demanded my parents to give her money,house and car.But they said,if I stayed away from her,they would give.But when I was in England,I heard that Sar Yong didn't get any things.I got angry and tried to come back but I couldn't.I had to stay there for 5 years.Now,I can come back.First,I will go and meet Min Joon.It's 6 o'clock and I think Min Joon hasn't woke up,yet.But however,I went to his company.


When I arrive to the company,it's 7 o'clock.I go into Min Joon's room.I see he's scolding to a girl.I say,

"Min Joon!!"

"Omo,Minho,right?You came back!"

Sar Yong's POV

"Long time no see!"they are hugging each other. WAIT!DID I HEAR MINHO?I turn around,omo,he's really Minho.I run away.He pulls my hand and says,"You are Sar yong,right?"He turns my shoulders to his side.I got really angry."Sar Yong,Yeon Sar Yong,I will explain what was happened."he says.I shout,"You don't need to explain me anymore."I run away.Minho follows me."Sar Yong!Sar Yong!Please,let me explain.I love you."I stop my footsteps and turn my side to him."What?You love me?Do you love me or money?"Minho explains,"I will explain,please.Listen to me!"I whisper,"You don't need to explain me anymore."I hardly push out his hands which were on my shoulders."Ji Minho,I hate you.I will never love you back forever."I shout him angrily."Sar Yong,Sar Yong."He calls me but I don't face to him anymore.My tears come out.I don't know why?When I arrive at my home,I throw myself onto the bed and start to cry.Oppa Lee Yong and Saeyeon come in."What's happen,Sar Yong?"Saeyeon asks."Minho,he came back."Lee Yong shouts,"Minho???"I say,"Yes,oppa.Saeyeon,what shall I do?"Saeyeon asks,"Why?What did he do?"I reply,"He said he wanted to explain me what was happened."Lee Yong interrupts,"Maybe,his girlfriend in England left him and he came back to you."Saeyeon says,"That's may be."I shout,"I don't want to hear,anymore!!!!"Then,I sleep for a long time.When I wake up,even it was 10 o'clock in the morning.Why did I sleep that much?Omo,Min Joon will scold me.I have to go quickly.I have to.After I had changed everything,I quickly go to company.The first one I saw is Min Joon."I am sorry,manager.I'm sorry.Very sorry."He says,"I called you at 8 o'clock.Even not 6 o'clock.Why can't you wake up?"I say,"Sorry,sir.Sorry!"He shouts,"Yrrrrrrr!Will you be saying 'sorry' all the time?"I say,"Sorry,sir.Omo,no sir."He asks,"What was happened yesterday?"

Me : That is...,

Min Joon : What's your relation ship between you and him?

Me : Nothing,sir.

Min Joon : Don't call me,sir.Call me Min Joon only.

Me : Omo,yes Min Joon.

Min Joon : You didn't even came back to work yesterday.This is not a playground and also your house.This is company.You can't do ask you like.Understand?

Me : Yes,sorry.

Why did he shout loudly?A selFish man.Stupid guy!!!"Yrrrr!!Come quickly."he shouts me again.I control myself and go to him.When I am in the room,I see a boy.My first wish is,"Please,this is not Minho.This is not Minho."But my wishes don't become true.He's Minho."Here,Sar Yong!"Min Joon says him.He stands up and pulls my hand."Let's go!I can't stay without explaining you!" "Min Joon,what did you do?"I say.Min Joon shrugs his shoulders.Minho pulls my hand tightly."Sar Yong,please listen to me."I shout,"No way!Please,let me out."He says,"I left you alone but this was for you."I shout,"Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!I don't want to hear!Move!"I run but he follows me and hugs me."Sar Yong,you will understand later.Very soon.If you don't want to hear the truth,the truth will appear surely.I love you."I cry hardly and run away.He looks upset,too.Is it true love?

So,I will end this chapter now.Bye.Please





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