Chapter 1

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Hi I'm Bella This storieee is of my Friends Shanezie,Ianier,Antony and Joeyz. Also my real names Mya but don't call me that!

Hello Im Ian I have a sister And A lot of friends Anthony Is my best friend.

Hello. Im Shane I'm in love with My dog. Unicorn. I have a secret that... Could change my life.

Waz up! Im Joey Some call me flirty I don't think so!

Im Anthony...I guess The girl I love does not love me.

"Ian!! Come on Will be late!" I yelled I had to drive over to pick up Ian. So He could hangout with me and Anthony. Ian's My. Well Kind of my brother his family adopted me when I was two. His dad (Which Ian Hated.) Was smoking and later died of Cancer. Ian Always Watched out for me. Ian and I live in apartments. So does Anthony, Shane and Joey. Here Finally Ian comes. I have always liked Joey but Ian gets in my way.

"I won! Ha Haha!" I killed Anthony in Mw3. "Son of a B...Biscuit!!" He replied Laughing. I stared into his eyes for a about 15 mins. Then Ian Touched my Arm. I turned around. "I'll be in the car." I said to quick. I turned to the door walking out. Whats going on with me I don't like Anthony Lorenzo Padilla!

Anthony's POV

I watched Mya go to car. Ian Glared at me. He walked to the car. Ian Slammed the door. I sighed I didn't know anything about girls. About 25 mins later. There was a knock at my door. It was 1:00 What the fire truck! I looked threw the peephole. It was Shane and Joey. I let them in. They shut the door huffing and puffing. I almost asked them why where they here. "There is a Guy trying to kill us! We need to get To Mya's!" They both yelled. I think they are pranking me. But I Grabbed my keys.

I saw a red car behind us. "Guys... How did this happen?" I asked trying not To get knocked off the road. Joey started to talk. "Well, You see we were recording.(Flashback)"

"I hope you had fun hanging with me I had fun hanging with me. I had fun hanging with you."

"May the odds be in your favor. GoodByee."

I shut the camera and logged into youtube. We waited 73 seconds For feedback on our video. We just finished a short film based on twilight. "I'll read the first comment." Shane offered. "This video is Rasist to Vampires and werewolves! I'll teach you a lesson.?" He read it. We both were confused We laughed at the comment. We stopped laughing realizing The power went out. He heard strange noises. A bear-like dog jumped out of my window We screamed we tried to get in Shane's Car. But for some reason it was right on top of mine. We ran to Anthony's home. So he could take us to Bella's house. Its farther.

"yea so that's why we are running for our Lives Can we please come in now!?" Shane shrieked. I nodded. "You guys are dumb." I stated Ian was here we just played Minecraft. Ian walked into my living room. I only had 3 rooms My room a guest room and bathroom. I sat on the couch cuddling with my blanket. Im 16 And I still have teddy bears..Don't judge meh! "What video did you do to get that comment?" I asked. I was indeed Afraid of the answer. "We made a video of Vampires and why there lame. And how Werewolves are slobs, Ugly, Also Dumb." I stared at Shane and Joey. (Mostly Joey.) I really wish I had a boyfriend. I sighed I'm going to be alone for ever. Joey and everyone else sat on a Couch. Shane and Ian left to go finish minecraft. It's funny how I have never seen Shane play a Xbox, Or anything. I was left with Joey and Anthony. I slowly moved closer to Joey. That's when my lights went out. It was pitch black. "Mya, Shane, Joey, Anthony. Is everyone okay?" We all nodded remembering its black. My dog Max Barked Loudly. "Max hush. It's just a black out. Your just like Chocolate." Shane stated. I got scared. "Ian. Im scared." I stated. I heard hissing sounds. "It's ok Bella it's only a snake,?" He sounded unsure. "That's not a snake we heard it earlier!" Joey said Getting lower. "Get the Fuck Down Everyone!" Shane's Voice startled me I feel on Joey. "Sorry Joeyz." I said feeling dumb. "It's ok." He said rubbing my back. Woah. I was sitting in his leg. A low growl surrounded the room. "Joey Hold Me!" I screamed. He grabbed my body pulling me towards him. He put his mouth to my ear. "If anything happens I just want to tell... I love you Bells." He whispered crashing his lips to mine. Joey Graceffa My first Love,First kiss. The lights came back on I was still kissing Joey. I heard Gasp from around the room We both jerked away. "WHAT?!" Joey Yelled. "Why are you gasping because I kissed Ian's Sister!?" He yelled. I slowly back away. "Mya! Watch out!" Ian Yelled. I turned around seeing a Huge Man like wolf Ian tried to save me. But, We both were cut by its huge Nails. It's stings Like shit!!! The creature ran out. "Fuck! Fuck! FUCK!" I yelled I felt like my body was burning. I suddenly felt Dizzy. My vision was Fading.

"Mya stay with us." Shane said calmly while Daddy was caring for Ian. "Im not leaving Tyler" I told Tyler. Tyler worried to much. "She has Amnesia!" Daddy said getting up beside Ian. "Im not Daddy I'm Anthony." Daddy said. "Daddy I feel sleepy!" I

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