The Big Fat Fan

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     Fat, big, chubby, over-weight, blobby, large, tubby, giant, elephant, whale, flubby. I’ve been called all of these. And more! But I’m used to it now. My weight is part of who I am, it’s just that I don’t want it to be. I never have. I remember why I became large. It happened when my dad left. I turned to food, it comforted me. It made me feel happy. It doesn’t now. Just makes me feel fat. People are always judging me on my weight, like it tells them who I am and what I’m like. When I’m in a restaurant, people assume I want four massive courses, even if I only want two. If I’m round my friends they don’t offer me a biscuit because they think I’ll eat the whole packet instead. I can’t run, because I’ll get out of breath too quick. It’s not as if I haven’t tried to lose weight, it just never works. I don’t have the motivation anymore. Oh and one last thing, I’m a directioner.

"Ella, what are you doing?" my mum asked me as I sat on the floor, tears streaming down my face, shoving chocolate biscuits into my mouth.

"I’m eating. What does it look like I’m doing!" I yelled at her putting another biscuit into my mouth.

"Yes, I see that. Why?" she asked putting her handbag on the sofa.

"Debbie." I said. My mum rolled her eyes.

"So, what did she do this time?" she asked.

"She called me an overgrown potato that no-one will ever want!" I told her as more tears fell from my eyes.

"Oh, Ella. Honestly, you’re 18 years old. Stop blubbering like a baby." She said and walked into the kitchen. I put the packet of biscuits down and stood up.

"Stop blubbering like a baby? Nice to see you care mother!" I shouted after her.

"Ella, I’m trying to help you. You need to stop letting her get to you. She’s a bully and just look at what she’s doing to you." My mum told me, passing me a box of tissues. "Now calm yourself down and I’ll cook us some pasta." She smiled gently at me as I rubbed my eyes with one of the tissues.

"Ok mum, thanks. I’ll just change out of my uniform." I said.

     Once in my room I got changed out of my work uniform and into a pair of jogging bottoms and a T-shirt. Frowning at the ‘size 18’ written on them. I quickly brushed though my dark blonde hair and pulled it into a pony tail. I got my phone out of my pocket and unlocked it, grinning at the One Direction wallpaper. Then I checked twitter, searching my mentions for anything new. Nothing. So I chucked my phone on my bed and went back down stairs.

"Want some help?" I asked my mum as she was putting some pasta into a saucepan.

"No thank you. Why don’t you sit down for a minute. I have a surprise for you." My mum told me. I sat down, smiling as she finished putting the pasta into the saucepan and sat opposite me.

"Now, I know it’s been a tough year. And you’ve worked really hard, getting your job and going to collage. So I just had to get these for you." She told me placing an envelope on the table.

"What is it?" I asked her.

"Open it." She smiled and I picked up the envelope. I slowly opened it, my chubby fingers moving slowly as I pulled out the mystery items inside. My jaw dropped and my heart skipped a beat. I stared at the two tickets in my hand.

"No way!" I said excitedly. "You…you got me tickets to see ONE DIRECTION!" I screamed. A giant smile grew on my face.

"Yes, now, you have two tickets so you can take a friend with you. The tickets are front row so don’t lose them." She said.

"Front row? Oh my gosh, mum, that’s amazing! Thank you so much!" I ran over to her and hugged her as tightly as I could. For the first time I wasn’t incredibly annoyed at the fact that I could feel how skinny she was compared to me. I was way too happy for that.

"All right, all right. Let me finish cooking." She told me. I let go and sat back down, admiring my tickets. I really couldn’t believe it. In two weeks I was going to be within arms length of One Direction. It was going to be the best day of my life.


Well? What did you think? It's a new story and I want to see what you think of it. If you all like it enough I will continue writing it. It's another One Direction fanfic I know, but it's not going to be like all the others you usually read. This one is going to be different! :)

InsaneWeirdo xoxo

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