the big fat fan ~chapter 4~

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      I got back from the concert that night and sat on the edge of my bed, grinning form ear to ear.

"How was the concert?" my mum asked, poking her head round the door.

"It was amazing! I had an actual conversation with the actual Harry Styles!" I exclaimed. Her eyes widened in surprise.

"Really? That’s great honey. What did you talk about?" she asked me, genuinely happy for me.

"Well, some girls said some stuff at the concert and I got upset so I left. But Harry followed me out, even though he wasn’t supposed to. Then he talked to me about it and took me back inside. He kissed me on the cheek too! And dedicated a song to me!" I told her. I felt like I wanted to cry and not from sadness like I usually did.

"Wow. That’s incredible! I’m so glad you had a nice time. You should get some sleep now, it’s been a long day." She told me and left my room.

      Once I was ready for bed, I was about to go to sleep, when my phone beeped. My phone was still in the pocket of my jeans, so I leant over and pulled it out of the pocket. However, at the same time, something else fell out of my pocket. I put my phone down on my bed and picked up the other item that had fallen out of my pocket and onto the floor. I stared at the crumpled, folded piece of paper in my hand for a moment, trying to figure out what it was. I couldn’t place what it was so I slowly unfolded it. I blinked several times, making sure I wasn’t imagining what it said. On the inside of the paper it read:

If you ever have any trouble with any girls like the ones at the concert, give me a call.

That was followed by a mobile number. It was signed at the bottom. It read:

Love, Harry. x

I stared at it intently. I couldn’t take my eyes off of it, scared it would just disappear once I couldn’t see it. I blinked again, but it was still there in the palm of my hand. I placed it on my desk once I was sure it was real. Why had Harry Styles given me his number? Did he do that often? I calmed myself down as much as I could before going to sleep, hoping it wasn’t a prank.

      The next day started off normal. I got up and got ready, into my work uniform. Then I left for work. I had stuffed the little crumpled piece of paper into my bag before I left. Just to prove to Louise that it was real and not just my imagination. I was late for work, which meant that I had to wait until my break to tell Louise about Harry’s number. Luckily it came quite quickly.

"Louise, there’s something I need to tell you!" I told Louise once we had sat down in our usual spot.

"What have you done?" she asked, assuming I’d done something wrong.

"What?! Nothing. Look." I said and handed her the piece of paper out of my bag.

"Oh my God! Is this real?" she asked me in shock.

"I don’t know. Maybe…" I told her.

"Ring it." She commanded.

"What? No!" I couldn’t just ring him.

"Do it. Go on. Otherwise you’ll never know if it’s real." She explained.

"But, what if it’s a prank?" I asked her.

"Then I’ll deal with it. Now ring the damn number." She said shoving the number in my face.

"Ok, fine." I said and pulled out my phone. I slowly and carefully punched in each number, my hands shaking. I took a deep breath before pressing the green button to call it. I pulled the phone up to my ear.

"Is it ringing?" Louise asked pressing her ear as close to the phone as possible.

"Yes, Shhh." I told her. I waited for a moment or two until I hear a groggy male voice on the other end of the phone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2013 ⏰

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