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A/N: First of two updates I'm posting tonight. Was really fun to play around with the character of Charlie. We never knew a whole lot about him, but it said a lot to me that Ron's first wand and pet were once Charlie's. Hope you enjoy!(THATS CHARLIE WEASLEY BTW...COULDNT FIND ANYMORE WITH HIS CLOTHES ON!!)


Ron had no trouble spotting Charlie at the terminal. The flaming red hair of his older brother couldn't be missed. "Oi! Charlie!"

Charlie gave him a warm smile and a thump on the back. "It's good to see you Ron, how has your trip been?"

"It's been great. Mostly." Ron hesitated, he didn't want to jump right in about Hermione.

"You can tell me all about it when we get to my place. My roommates are all working so we'll have it to ourselves while you're here."

"Brilliant. Have you heard from mum and dad?" he couldn't help the worried tone his voice took.

"They're...managing. Bill and Fleur left a week ago. George and Percy are still at home for now. Mum says George is still....lost."

Charlie's voice was tinged with the grief that still hung over their family. Ron wondered how long it would be before things ever went back to normal,if they would ever go back to whatever "normal" would be in this new world.

Charlie's place was a small, three bedroom cottage perched high in the mountains. It had never surprised Ron that Charlie chose to work out here with dragons. He had always been the most adventurous of his brothers, though Ron had probably taken that title in the past few years. Ron chuckled to himself at the thought.

As they settled in for some tea they chatted idly about Charlie's work, Norbert, and the places Ron had been on holiday. He tried to mask the hurt in his voice when he mentioned Hermione, but Charlie had always been good at cottoning on when something was upsetting him.

"What's the part I'm missing here little bro? There's something bothering you." His brother gave him a sympathetic look. Ron hesitated, unsure of where to begin.

So he told his brother everything that happened while they had stayed in Vienna, his night out with Hermione and her breaking up with him. Charlie took in his story quietly and let the silence hang on the air when he finished, ensuring that Ron had fully spoken his piece.

"Well Ron, what do you think about it?"

Ron was unsure how to answer. He knew that it was his own responsibility and he had simply blew his chance one too many times, but admitting it felt like he was letting his family down all over again. It was the night he showed up at Bill and Fleur's all over again.

Charlie caught his eyes. "Ron, we all have to own up to what happens in our lives. It's part of being a man. You should know by now that nothing you could do changes the way your family feels about you, or Hermione for that matter. We love you no matter what."

"That's what Bill said." Ron mumbled.

"He was right then and he's right now. It shows strength of character to admit when you've made a mistake. Bill and I both were very proud of you for going to him and being honest about what happened."

Ron felt his face turning red. It wasn't often that he felt like his family was proud of him. He heaved a great sigh.

"I blew it Charlie. I could have had the girl of my dreams and I blew it." It felt so final now that he said it out loud. Ron felt his stomach turn to lead. Charlie looked sympathetically at his little brother.

"I thought she forgave you for that?"

"It wasn't just that." Every major fight Ron and Hermione had ever had went flashing through his mind, all the ugly things he had said and times he had walked away.

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