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Ron was on cloud nine.

He had gone to Hermione to talk to her, but she had shushed him the moment he opened his mouth. Instead of talking about their fight, they ended up making out on the couch in Hermione's suite.

Reluctantly pulling apart after twenty minutes or so, Ron finally asked the question. "Um, what in the blazes just happened?"

"This is me admitting to you that I was wrong. We should be....we are together Ron."

" mine ears deceive me?" he couldn't help grinning ear to ear.

"Don't let it go to your head." She teased.

"I tell you what, I'll keep it our little secret. But you owe me." Ron gave her a wicked grin.

"Boys." Hermione shook her head, but couldn't hide her own grin.

There wasn't a whole lot of talking after that.


Harry noted that Ron and Hermione looked quite disheveled when they emerged from her suite later that evening.

"I see you two have patched things up." He grinned at the pair of them. Hermione blushed and Ron sheepishly grinned back.

"What's for dinner?" Ron changed the subject.

"I thought we could order in. Just relax." Harry answered.

"Sounds great. There's a room service menu in the kitchen." Hermione seemed glad for the change of topic.

After a huge meal that left them all fit to bursting, the trio moved to the balcony to watch the sunset. Harry and Ron sat on either side of Hermione. They sipped on wine and swapped childhood stories.

Harry mainly listened, not really having much from his childhood to share. This was what he cherished most: the three of them together. Just being. They weren't doing anything special or out of the ordinary, but Harry wouldn't have it any other way. If this was what life was going to be like from here on out, then he was in for a pleasant ride.

"What's got you smiling?" Hermione chuckled.

"Nothing at all." Harry answered, matching her smile with one of his own.

"What do you think life is going to be like, you know, when we go back?" Ron asked.

"Well, we all know Harry here is going to be quite famous." Hermione playfully swatted his arm. "But then again, I think all three of us will have a little more attention than we're used to."

Ron shook his head. "Maybe I'll publish a memoir. Detailing what it's really like to live alongside The Boy Who Lived. I'm sure the world would love to know about the time you ate a snot flavored Every Flavored Bean and vomited spectacularly all over poor Neville's charms book."

All three of the laughed.

"Or perhaps they want to hear about having the most awkward mistletoe kiss ever." Ron could barely finish through his own laughs. Hermione in particular thought that one hilarious. She was in tears.

"Haha." Harry intoned sarcastically, "I be the world would love a picture of Ron dancing on the table at the Three Broomsticks."

Harry grinned wickedly at Ron who looked like he had been struck by lightning. Hermione had stopped breathing she was laughing so hard.

"Y-you said there was no film in that camera." Ron looked horrified.

They had all gotten pretty sloshed at the official Gryffindor victory party. It had went on for two days and spanned the common room and both Hogsmeade pubs. Ron in particular had been quite the entertainment.

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