Sanctuary Of Warriors

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Home of: Rose Nariko, Daisuke Kagami, Takashi Kagami, Akihiko Suzuki, Kimiko Uzumaki, Hinaru Mitori, Riku Amarante, Ryuu Takeda, and Leon Hoshi.

More about them:

Name: Rose Nariko

Age: The usual. 13- Pre-Shipppuden. 16- Shippuden

Personality: Brash, Short-Tempered, Loyal, Acts before thinking, Fun and Crazy, Not afraid to state the truth, Can be harsh, dramatic, mischievous, loves to play pranks annd you get the gist xD xP

Looks: Long black hair that reaches the waist, and bright green eyes that sparkle mischievously a LOT. For Shippuden, about the exact same look......Yep, not that much of a difference.

Likes: Cookies, a certain guy, Her friends, Dango, Uh.....Just about anything.

Dislikes: Sasuke, Ino, a heck load of people, Bitter and Salty stuff, liars *even though she lies sometimes too*, Uh.......Not that much stuff no....OH YEAH! Ryuu!

Home land: Land of Fire

Where in Home land: Island Of Truth

Relations with House Mates: Takashi (Crush, the Boss), Ryuu (Teammate/Rival), Hinaru (Distant Relitive, Best friend), Kimiko (Best Friends), Akihiko (Best Friends), Daisuke (Best Friends).

Name: Daisuke Kagami

Age: 17

Personality: Loud and flamboyant


Likes: Cooking, Akihiko, Ramen

Dislikes: Riku, Vegetables, and disloyal people

Home land: Land of Fire

Where in Home land: Island of Truth

Relations with House Mates: Takashi (Twin Brother), Akihiko (Girlfriend), Rose (Best Friend), Ryuu (Teammate), Hinaru (Teammate).

Name: Takashi Kagami

Age: 17

Personality: Quiet, Mysterious


Likes: Night, Dango, and pissing off Daisuke

Dislikes: Fangirls, Daylight, and Watermelon

Home land: Land of Fire

Where in Home land: Island of Truth

Relations with House Mates: Daisuke (Twin Brother) Teamates with everyone else.

Name: Akihiko Suzuki

Age: 16

Personality: Humorous, and Sarcastic


Likes: Daisuke, Cake, Dancing *No one knows though.....*

Dislikes: Everyone being annoying, smart asses *Even though she tends to be one* And being proved that she is wrong

Home land: Land of Fire

Where in Home land: Island of Truth

Relations with House Mates: Daisuke (Boyfriend) Rose (Best Friend), Kimiko (Best Friend) Teamates with everyone else.

Name: Kimiko Uzumaki

Age: 16

Personality: Calm, and Patient *Says 'ttebane at the the end of each sentence*


Likes: RAMEN, Sasuke *She isn't a fangirl though....Well sometimes she is*, And Purple

Dislikes: People who don't care about their comrades, Riku and Ryuu. and people who don't think before they act

Home land: Land of Fire

Where in Home land: Island of Truth

Relations with House Mates: Apprentice, Rose (Best Friend), Akihiko (Best Friend)

Name: Hinaru Mitori

Age: 16

Personality: Slightly Crazy, Sweet, and serious when needs to be

Looks: Black hair in a pony tail, lip piecing, pale skin, black eyes with green specks.

Likes: Kiba, The Leaf Village, Her Friends

Dislikes: Back-Stabbers, When someone brings up her brother, Sasuke

Home land: Land of Fire

Where in Home land: Island of Truth

Relations with House Mates: Apprentice, along with Kimiko. Rose (Distant Relative/Best Friend), Kimiko (Best Friends), teamates with everyone else.

Name: Riku Amarante

Age: 17

Personality: Girly, Selfless


Likes: Rose, The Beach, and Foreign Food

Dislikes: Takashi, Darkness, and Selfish people

Home land: Land of Fire

Where in Home land: Island of Truth

Relations with House Mates: Daisuke (Best Friend), Leon (Best Friend), teamates with everyone else.

Name: Ryuu Takeda

Age: 18


Likes: Annoying Rose, Pissing Off Rose, and Spicy Food

Dislikes: Sweet Things, Water, and Rose

Home land: Land of Fire

Where in Home land: Island of Truth

Relations with House Mates: Daisuke (Best Friend), Rose (Teammate/Rival), teamates with everyone else.

Name: Leon Hoshi

Age: 17


Likes: FOOD, WATER, and Kimiko

Dislikes: He doesn't really hate anything

Home land: Land of Fire

Where in Home land: Island of Truth

Relations with House Mates: Kimiko (Crush), teamates with everyone else.

OC's belong to: @xRoseTheifx

Disguised as a simple cottage, this house has an elevator leading down to a secret base. In the cottage there are:

6 Bedrooms

1 living room

2 bathrooms

1 kitchen

and 1 front yard.

Underground there is:

1 medical room

1 bar

1 big office area

1 smaller kitchen

1 storage room

1 big training room

and 1 teaching room.

Home looks are to the side.

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