Chapter 6

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Livias POV: 

'Livs?' i could hear a soft, hushed voice 'Livia?' my eyes slowly fluttered open to see Harry stare down at me, his curls dangling just above my nose. I smiled at him and he smiled back, he then gave me a kiss on the forehead before he left the cab door, it looked like it was around 2AM outside, harry turned to me as i crept from the back seat. 'Whats the time?' i asked yawning and stretching out my arms '3am, there was horrible traffic' i looked at him, he didnt look like the confident harry i had seen before, he cleared his throat 'we have no where to go' i nudged him 'of course we do! your cousins?' he shook his head, his curls going mad 'thats only for emergancies' he replied, 'oh' my heart dropped, would we have to spend the night out in the cold? harry could see my reaction and took me by the shoulders and looked into my eyes 'we'll find somewhere now hurry up, this is costing me money and the cabbys' time!' he payed the taxi driver and we watched the silver car go out of sight, it was like watching the last glimmer of chesire disapear into the cloudy night. Harry three his arm around me as we went down the streets, finally we found a cheap travel lodge, sadly they wouldnt accept us for more than a day, as in there policy ; without a legal gardian over the age of 20 no one can stay in the hotel underage, which sucked, but it would do. We made our way to room 5GH which was on the ground floor and had the most horrendous view of a small park where there were a group of teenage thugs probably doing weed as you could hear them shout 'HIGH OR DIE' which made Harry laugh and chant around the room 'high or die, high or die!!' which i will admit was extreamly cute and hot if you consider he didnt have a shirt at this point. We were both tired so we slid into bed and locked into eachothers arms.


i woke up to the sound of the tv, i mustve slept on the remote or something, my mouth formed the shape of a horrified '0' as i saw ben being interviewed anout the night, it seemed that it was getting very serious indeed. I decided not to wake Harry up as he was so adorable when he slept and quite frankly waking up to see your classed as a young offender isnt fun. I watched as Ben described a whole different affaur to what had actually happened, but gladly didnt mention Harry. The screen switched to a london police officer talking about a boy named 'Zayn Malik' Who was under inspection about his where abouts that night and then.... to harry. The picture they used was from long ago, they talked about how they cant contact him and that he'd supposedly run away. It was so hard to watch as tears crept there way down my cheeks, they then stated that Harry had been a rowdy teen as he'd once 'Found himself in the young offenders court' I ears shot up as i turned the volume nearly to a high with my right but cheek by accident, thats when Harry, alarmed and confused woke up, his eyelids slightly parted 'Whats goin' on' he asked, he turned his head to the tv and saddness, dissapointment and self hatrid ram across his face...

Harrys POV;

my heart sank as i saw the reddness around Liv's eyes, she'd been crying, i was responsible. I grabbed tge remote, in an act of anger i threw it directly at the tv where i could see my photo, which was from years ago, beside another picture of a boy with dark black hair and brown eyes. The remote hit the side, making the picture fizzle after the sharp hit, but sure enough the picture returned. i buried my head under the covers 'Turn that shite off' i said, pretending that i hadn't seen anything, i hoped Liv'z wouldnt notice. She looked at the tv in confusion and then got up, turned it off and grabbed her bag on the ground and produced black leggings and an army jacket. 'Im going to get changed, you can stay all day there feeling sorry for yourself or we can keep on the road away from the police, if you hadn't noticed, me and you in the next 24 hours will be considered 'Missing person(s)' so man up' She scowlled, i could hear the anger and saddness in her tone. I got out of bed a few minuites after and we got ready to head off.

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