The Whole Story Comes Out

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Before I start this chapter, I'd just like to thank whoever commented, voted or even just bothered to read :-)) Shoutout goes to DamCrazyFangirl for guessing poor Dickies disorder. Wanna know what it is? Guess you'll have to read the chapter to find out. BWAHAHAHA Now you must suffer through my horrible writing!! Read... If you dare.

Wait! There's more!! If I get at least five comments on this chapter I will attempt a fluffy mom/dad kind of scene with Raven, Robin and the Bat Clan, so if you wanna see that then comment away. :-)

Cyborg, after running multiple tests on poor Timmy still couldn't form a logical explanation for the sudden spurt of pain. It seemed to be more of a mental issue than anything. At least, that's what Dick, Raven and Cyborg have decided after Timmy had described getting a bunch of flashbacks.

"I've already done a mental scan and I can't find traces of any trauma," Raven sighed. "It's like it just... Disappeared."

"It doesn't hurt anymore," Timmy assured, sitting on Dick's lap.

Dick had busied himself with calming Tim, which basically meant being as affectionate as possible. So, while Cyborg and Raven were running tests, Dick was stroking Timmy's hair and assuring him that everything was going to end up alright.

"That's great to hear, Timmy," Dick said in relief, offering a small smile to the young boy. "All we need to do is figure out what the heck that was."

Jason shuffled in the room. Starfire and Beast Boy were preoccupying Stephanie and Damien; meanwhile Cassandra and Jason were off doing whatever... Until now. "Dick," he mumbled, his voice hoarse and shaky. Cassandra was not far behind him, her face wet from tears and her entire body trembling.

Dick let loose a couple swear words under his breath. He quickly handed Timmy to a surprised Raven and rushed over to the two. He knelt in front of Cassandra and Jason.

"What happen?" He instantly asked.

Jason stayed silent, silent tears running down his face.


"Don't get mad, Dick," Jason said, trying to keep the anxiety from reaching his voice. He stared at his brother for a moment, before slowly pulled up the sleeves of his long shirt.

Dick stayed on his knees, speechless at the scars marring Jason's arms. They were each the same distance from each other and were organized and neat.

It was quite obvious what had happen: Jason had used a razor to cut himself.

"Jay," Dick murmured, running delicate fingers over the scars, "What made you do this?"

Tears continued falling down Jason's cheeks and there seemed to be a lump in his throat. The remaining Titans and Tim stayed quiet, fearing that any misstep could potentially cause a disaster.

Dick, exhaling deeply, pulled Jason into his arms and cradled his sobbing brother to his chest. "Shh. It's alright, Jay. It's not your fault. Everything's gonna be alright."

Cyborg got disinfectant and gauze and gave Dick a pointed look.

"Hey," Dick murmured, "Look up at me, Jay." Jason didn't bother listening, his hands clutching the back of Dick's - or Robin's- uniform. Dick hadn't had time to change. Jason buried his head in Dick's chest. "Jay, please. Don't worry, bud, you're not in trouble. Cyborg's is just gonna clean you up a bit, that's all. Can you at least stick out your arm for me?"

After a long while, where Jason seemed to be contemplating whether or not to move, he finally stuck out his hand- palm up- to reveal a bunch of tiny cuts littering his arm.

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