The Moment of Truth ('Bout Time)

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Alrightyy!!! Next chapter is up!! Things are explained in this chapter. Good thing too- BB's poor little brain was about to break. :-) Sorry for taking such a long time to update... School's been a bitch. So... Next chapter!

  "I feel bare. I didn't realize I wore my secrets as armor until they were gone and now everyone sees me as I really am."
― Veronica Roth, Insurgent

The next morning was like hell. Dick was woken up by the blaring sounds of the Titan Trouble alarm and Robin took over for a bit to fight crime like a badass. After that Robin had sat at his computer for hours on end working on everything he's missed since the kids had come.

Jason hasn't improved by much. He has multiple scars marring his arms and legs and stomach and usually wears one of Dick's only civilian shirts to cover his marks. Raven had been sitting with him and Cassandra and trying to get them to talk about whatever the heck was wrong with them. Timmy had been stable since the incident, and was keeping Damian company. Meanwhile, Stephanie is basically a ticking time bomb. The other Titans are trying to stay around her as much as possible, making sure she doesn't have a mental breakdown and begin doing drastic things like Jason.

Jason and Cassandra never opened up to Raven, but Raven had been teaching Cassandra like she promised. Cassandra was now able to read pretty efficiently and Raven was trying to help her utter a couple words.

Starfire had practically been attached to Stephanie, since she was the only one besides Dick who could keep up with the bubbly, deaged girl.

"Robin," Raven sighed, leaning on the doorframe to Robin's room. "Those kids need Dick right now. You have control 97% of the time. Why can't you let Dick do his thing? It's not fair to him or those kids out there."

"Or you," Robin said the unspoken words. He swirled in his chair, staring Raven dead in the eye. "I'm sorry, Raven. I know this is difficult to understand, but I have to do this. For the innocent people out there who need me to put the bad guys behind bars."

"Cyborg and Beast Boy are taking care of it," Raven pointed out. "And Starfire whenever Steph can convince her."

"It's Cyborg and Beast Boy. Something's bound to go wrong in that equation. Even with Star helping out occasionally. I need to be there to pick up the pieces."

"Just like Dick needs to be there for the kids."

"That's a good point," Stephanie said, poking her head out from behind Raven.

Robin waved and Stephanie waved back.

He was quiet for a minute, his eyes closed; probably having a conversation with Dick and Richard.

"Look," Robin said, after a long while, "I'll give you guys two hours or so."

Stephanie beamed and ran up to Robin, throwing her arms around his neck. "Thanks!"

Robin smiled, "Anytime. Except, not anytime."

Stephanie giggled, and just like that she was being held by her older brother.

"Alright!" He said, pulling back from Stephanie, only to later toss her over his shoulder. She squealed but allowed her brother to carry her from one room to the next, Raven following behind them with Stephanie's hands in her own.

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