Family Bonding, Anyone?

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Dick and Raven had already gone upstairs, to check up on the kids, leaving a surprised Beast Boy, Cyborg and Starfire on their own to discuss whatever the fudge just happened.

"I still can't believe Robin is that messed up," Cyborg mused, "I mean, I knew he was messed up, but that much. I feel bad for the kid..."

"As do I," Starfire nodded. "I also feel the sympathy for Robin's little ones."

"They aren't 'Robin's little ones', Star," Beast Boy reminded, "They're Dick's. There's a difference between the both of them."

"I'm curious about Dick's other personality," Cyborg hummed, "The sociopath with anger issues..."

"Yeah," Beast Boy piped in, nodding his head furiously. "I'm sick of secrets. I say we figure it out!"

"How about... No."

"Aww!! Why not?!"

"Because it would be an invasion of privacy."

"But he does know everything about us!" Beast Boy whined. Cyborg twitched a bit at that comment.

"He told us enough for now, Green Bean."



Beast Boy pouted, but eventually left to bug someone else.
Dick and Raven walked down the hallways of the Titan Tower, in search of five annoying little kids.

They stopped in front of Jason's door, where Dick knocked frantically. The door was locked, so it was impossible to just barge in.

"Help!" Jason yelled, and a crash could clearly be heard through the thick walls and door.

Dick sighed, and jammed the combination for the override code in the tiny keyboard beside the door.

Override Initiated.
"Does anyone else hear the distressed screams," Starfire inquired, peeking her head into the Common Room to see Beast Boy and Cyborg distracted by a game on their game counsel.

"Steph and Tim are "playing" with Jason," they both muttered, simultaneously shuddering. "Can't be helped."

Starfire hummed, and made her way to the kitchen to cook up some more "delightful" Tamaranian poison.
Jason trudged downstairs, his clothes ripped and torn to shreds. His face was twisted in exhaustion and he looked on the verge of collapsing.

"You're alive!" Dick squealed, and captured his brother in a hug.

"No thanks to you," Jason muttered, "Jerk."

"It was impossible, Jay. They brought My Little Ponies... You were beyond helping," Dick replied with a cheeky smile. "You're just in time for family bonding!"

"Oh joy," Jason deadpanned. "I am too happy to celebrate." He paused. "...How was that?"

"More enthusiasm next time."

Jason nodded, and collapsed on the couch, his eyes instantly shutting. Dick rarely saw the younger male this tired. Even under the influence of Ponies.

"Jay," Dick sighed, sitting next to his brother. "I'm here to talk to you if you need anything, alright?"

"Where's your girlfriend?" Jason asked, desperately trying to change the subject.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2016 ⏰

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