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It was a cold night out. She watched as the trees and road went by, a small fawn occasionally approaching the street. Faint sounds blasting through the speakers as the vehicle came to a stop. She could see the far away lights reflecting off the console just as they began to accelerate once more, before a blinding sound of screeching filled her ears.

Camila awoke screaming, a thin layer of sweat on her forehead. Her bedroom light turned on as Sinu ran inside, her robe on and hair messy as she sat down to put an arm around her daughter.

"Mija it's okay. You're safe it was just a dream." She hushed and rubbed the young girl's arm as she wept into her neck. "Shh. It's okay, you're safe."

Camila's heart was racing as tears trailed down her cheeks, her body trembling as if the room was below freezing. One of many versions of the brown eyed girl's dreams had awoken her once more. It was becoming a normality, but as much as it occurred, didn't mean she was used to this feeling. She would awake trembling, screaming, sometimes thrashing about.

"Shh. It's okay mija. I've got you." Sinu kept rubbing her daughter's arm as Sofi appeared at the door way, her hair messy and slippers halfway on.

"Mommy?" She rubbed at her eyes, "is sissy okay?" Camila rose her head and wiped her eyes, giving her mother an apologetic look.

"It's fine." Sinu gave her a reassuring smile, before the brunette turned to her sister.

"Did I wake you bug?" Camila got up, still shaking and kneeled down to Sofi's height.

"Yeah, that's okay though. I just wanted to see if you were alright." Sofi smiled and placed her hand on Camila's cheek, wiping the tear that was racing down her cheek.

"I'll be okay." Camila closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Can I sleep with you?" Sofi asked shyly as she played with the hem of her shirt.

"I'd love that." Camila stood up and looked to her mother, "thanks mom."

"I made an appointment with Dr. Rand. Hopefully he'll be able to see what's going on with all these dreams you're having." She got up and walked to the door as Sofi jumped on the bed, "Try to get some more sleep, tomorrow is a big day. I'll call you out of school again and talk to your councilor." Sinu gave her one last smile before walking out.

Camila turned around and saw that Sofi had already fallen asleep. She joined the smaller girl and cuddled up behind her, her muscles finally relaxing as she closed her eyes. She had nearly fallen into her sleep, but swore that she heard Sofi whisper.

"Butterfly one.."


It had been 5 months since the party back in December. Lauren had kept her distance from the younger girl. Focusing on school and her new job at a music store down her street. She had been saving up for a car and college. She was doing pretty well for herself only having very little to do with Camila's life hurt, but she hoped that it was for the better.

Lauren would see her rarely at school, Dinah had given her updates, telling her that Camila would always skip, either to go to parties or other reasons Camila would lie about. Dinah had come to not have any trust for the brunette, not knowing what was true or a lie. She still considered her the closest to a sister although their fall out was massive. Lauren worried little about Camila, however; she still felt a lot towards the young girl.

Normani had moved away to California her military family taking her on their first move, making it hard on the group. They had spent every moment together once they found the news out, being even more inseparable than before. Ally had moved schools, seeing that she moved out of her parents house and into her own apartment. She was making a great life for herself as she planned on becoming a realtor, she visited the girls as often as she could.

Today was graduation day for Dinah and Lauren. They sat in the foldable chairs placed around the huge stage. It was a beautiful day for graduation to be held outside, the green grass and nearby lake glistening in the sunlight. Occasional chirps from the birds in the trees added a calm atmosphere, along with the slight breeze.

Lauren watched as many students went up to get their diplomas and say a few last words. She would laugh at some of their jokes and ticks they'd pull. One boy even doing an attempted backflip and falling off the stage. He got up with a huge sore on his forehead and waved before sitting back in his seat. Lauren's name was called up, many cheers from the student body, she could hear Dinah clear though everyone. She walked up the steps, took the piece of parchment and shook the principle's hand before taking her place at the microphone.

"Uh hi," Lauren's cheeks when bright pink when the crowd got louder, "I have no clue what to say. It's been a crazy year as many of you all know." She paused for emphasis. "But congrats, we made it!" She looked over to her family and Ally in the stands set up for guests, when she caught something out of the corner of her eye.

Camila was leaning against a tree dressed in her cap and gown. Lauren could tell how nervous she was, Camila was never one to enjoy big ceremonies Lauren could only imagine what she was going through.

"Well," she met Camila's eyes, "Thanks for everything." Lauren gave one last smile before walking off the stage, the applause and cheers making her giggle to herself.

After a plethora of Lauren's peers getting their diplomas and Dinah giving a one of a kind speech the ceremony was over.

"Well how do you feel?" Clara gave Lauren a hug as she meet up with her family.

"Old." Lauren laughed and hugged her dad.

"You're telling me!" Mike laughed as Dinah caught up to the green eyed girl.

"Whoo!" She joined the group and gave hugs as well. "We made it!"

"I'm throwing a party at my apartment for y'all." Ally smiled and gave the two girls a hug.

"Awh smalls you don't have to do that." Dinah pouted.

"Oh please D you know you want to party." Ally rolled her eyes playfully. "If it's alright with you," she turned to Lauren's parents, "I can drive Lauren home and then to my appartment?"

"That's fine Ally." Clara said and she searched her bag for her car keys.

"And no boys." Mike scolded playfully.

"Oh yeah dad I'm gonna have them all over me." Lauren scrunched her nose and laughed.

"Use protection then." Mike laughed.

"Michael!" Clara slapped Mike's arm.

"Dad!" Taylor pushed the big man and walked towards the car along with her mom.

"Have fun girls, love you." Mike turned and made his way back to the car. The girls watched and waved as they pulled out of the parking lot and left.

AU// well! This is gonna be such a fun story to write. I hope y'all like the first chapter! I'm super excited to release this! Thank you all for reading and be nice to the world and yourselves. :)

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