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"You look so wonderful in your dress. I love your hair like that.." Camila strummed the strings of her guitar and hummed quietly to herself. "The way it falls on the side of your neck, down your shoulders and back." She turned her attention to the beach behind her house as she sat contently outside her bedroom window. "We are surrounded by all of these lies, and people who talk to much.." She paused and bit her lip in thought as a butterfly landed on the soft yellow duvet she had laid out before. Her brown orbs studied how fragile and gentle the blue butterfly had appeared. Camila began to strum at her guitar once again, "So in love.." she skillfully changed chords and smiled while pronouncing each syllable. As she finished she carefully moved her finger under the butterfly and raised it to her eye level.

It was rare for Camila to have these calm moments to herself, so when she had, she  picked up an instrument and created her own world. Guitar was an escape for the brunette and she had allowed it to be her muse. As she studied the blue butterfly she wondered what it had been through to get to the state in which it was. First a caterpillar, then wrapped into a cocoon, and now here it was, a beautiful butterfly. Camila had very little time to think about what she had been though. She hadn't fully grasped the idea of what had happened, yet she had been eager for answers. All of her knowledge being that she had been in a car accident and now she had to live without memories of her childhood and a life full of misunderstanding. She was like a caterpillar searching for the perfect tree to build her cocoon. Except this tree was nonexistent, so instead she had to watch as the other caterpillars blossomed, and as people smiled in awe of their beauty.

Camila didn't think of herself as beautiful or graceful. In her mind she was a black spec on Leonardo's painting that everyone wondered why he had put it there in the first place. She felt as though she didn't belong, like she was a burden to society, and a mistake to the universe. Camila thought that maybe she was a minor chord instead of a major and that's why the composition of her life had not sounded proper. She needed answers to her past, she needed to connect the pieces of her life puzzle. Camila was lost, she was lost in a world where no answers were possible, in fact they were impossible. The future and past of her life were camouflaged and in no way could she reveal it into view. The strange woman in her dreams knew the answers, Camila knew this because why else would she appear in her nightmares? It's like the ghost or figure was reaching out to her, and every time Camila would touch it, it would disappear. The brunette would awake with still no memory, nor recollection of what happened the night her life changed.

Camila sighed as the butterfly took flight, and she watched until it was nearly impossible to get a view of its blue wings. She ran a hand through her hair and went to strum another chord figuring out which song she would cover next. Finally making a decision she started quietly singing.

"Yes I do, I believe that one day I will be where I was, right there, right next to you." Camila focused intently on her hands as she accurately hit each chord and sang, "And its hard the days just seem so dark, the moon and the stars are nothing without you.." She paused and looked up to see the sun glistening off of the ocean's waves before continuing. "Your touch your skin where to I begin? no words can explain the way I'm missing you.." Still singing, she looked up and glanced at a small cloud as it slowly crept across the bright sky, a slight breeze picked up, forcing Camila to stop to remove the hair from her face. "Can I lay by your side.." she took a deep breath the lyrics striking a nerve, "next to you, you. And make sure you're alright. I'll take care of you. And I don't want to be here if I can't be with you tonight.."

"That was beautiful Mila." A voice snapped Camila out of her thoughts and she whipped her head around to see who had disturbed her. Dinah climbed out of the window and took a seat next to the small brunette, "What're you doing out here?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2017 ⏰

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