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Drew's pov

I sit at the desk scouring through endless amounts of websites looking for that one recipe that I needed. Music blared through the speaker that lay on the coffee table. "Wool? Are you in?" Shane calls as he walks in the house.
"did you have a good day?" I say as I turn the music down so I can talk to him.
"it was alright I guess. Kier kept complaining but that's nothing new. My arms hurt from carrying the amps and shit." Kier was redecorating his bedroom and Laurence is at an interview, so he asked Shane to help move some stuff.
"arwh is my boyfriend hurting? " I say sarcastically as I go to hug him.
"easy wool I fucking hurt." I loosen the hug a little, apologizing as I do so. "I'm sorry. I've missed you so much wool, but Kier had me do all the work. He did fuck all. "

"I'm going to bake you a cake to make you feel better, okay? " I put my hands on Shane's face, stroking his face with my thumb.
"sounds good. I'll sit in there with you." we move the kitchen, Shane sits at the table, groaning as he leans back in the chair. I Get everything out of the cupboards that I need and set to work.

I pour the flour into the bowl, getting it all over my jeans. I turn around and Shane is in exactly the same problem as me. "fuck it! I'm coming to help Cus it looks like fun. " he stands beside me and moves the flour out of the way. He leans on the work surface and gets flour on his hand. "oh... shit. Wool come here a second." I slide over to him. "can you pick the cloth up for me please?" I bend over to get the cloth and Shane's hand crashes onto my arse. I have a big, white, floury hand print on my black jeans.
"That's it bitch!" I sweep some flour off the counter and wipe my hands down the front of his face, making him cough a little.

After what seems forever, we actually mange to put the cake in the oven. "Shane I have flour in my pants..."
"are you sure it's flour drew? " I sigh at him.
"quite sure, Cus you put it there. " his eyebrows raise slightly.
"oh yeah " he giggles slightly.

The door knocks. We both go downstairs to find it's Kier and Laurence. "oh hey. " I say happily.
"sorry are we disturbing?" they eye us up and down.
"no not at all. " we say almost in sync.
"we'd thought we'd pay you a visit. " Laurence says happily.
"good timing Cus we've baked a cake! " Shane smiles.

The pair follow us into the kitchen, where all the mess was. "looks like you guys had fun. " Kier laughs, eyeing us up and down again.
"we did. But I still hurt from when you made me carry all that shit from One room to the next." Kier looks confused for a while until his eyebrows shoot up quickly.
"oh shit yeah sorry. That's why we are here. We wanted to give you this for helping me." Out of his bag he pulls a bottle of rum.
"oh thanks but you didn't have to. I did for my best friend so it's cool. "

The timer pings loudly and i goes to the oven. I bend down to open the oven door. "Drew? Why do you have a hand print on your arse?" Laurence asks.
"why are you looking?" Shane says sarcastically.
"well it hardly hidden is it?" Beveridge shoots back.

I cut the cake and hand everyone a piece. "better now cy?
"much better thanks wool." I smile proudly.

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