All a illusion

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What dose he mean that he talked to dad? The old mans dead for long time now....., oh yea, I put some of his chakra in Naruto at the sealing.... Well, shit.

"Well, I have certain duties to attend to.... Like um... Making sure the trees are growing and ummm... Yea." I said as I slowly got up to walk away, this is not the conversation that I wanted to have.

As I turned around to walk out a hand grabbed my wrist, it was warm and his hold was gentle, it should be harsh, where is Izo when I need him to get me out of something!?!? That bad feeling settled in my stomach again as it did every time that I thought about him.

"Please, stay?" His voice was quiet which was such a different one to his normally loud and hyperactive one and with this tone I knew that u wouldn't be able to leave and that I would have to do this now and not ever like I wanted to.

Turning around I sat down on the dojo' floor, waiting for him to speak but he sat there quietly as he watched me with tenderness that I did not deserve in his blue eyes.

"What do you want from me, Uzumaki-San?" My tone was also quiet, like speaking anything above a whisper would shatter the small resolve I had to stay where I was. His blue eyes saddened when I called him by his surname and a flash of regret passed over me before disappearing, it may have been many years ago but he is the one who wanted us to no longer be family.

"There are some things that you need to know."

"I gathered." My patience was wearing thin and my anger was starting to come out, for years I wanted to talk to him, be the older sister that I always dreamed about being to him, for him and now that I have my chance I am throwing it away because of my anger, stupid, stupid me. Mother was no longer answering me either and as I looked into the inner sanctum I guess you could call it I could sense that she was not alone as 9 massive chakras were there with her.

She was explaining the plan to her sons.

"The first thing is going to be the hardest, and we have gone with it for as long as possible but since you are now the Hokage..." He rubbed the back of his head as he thought of his words.

"What is it Naruto?" I asked softly, the churning feeling in my stomach worsened and I knew it was about Izo, whenever I thought about him since Garra came back, I have received pitying looks and they treated me differently.

"Izo really is dead. We went with it as the doctor said that your mind couldn't cope with the loss so it made it seem like he was alive, all those times that you talked to him was always one of us really."

I absorbed this information, as calmly as I could, being that I started pacing around the Dojo with a headache making its self known.

"I know." It was a soft whisper, but somewhere when ever I talked to 'Izo' it didn't feel right, it didn't feel like him. The headache came through and I did nothing to ease my pain.

"I also know about your plan."

I stopped pacing and looked at the brother that looked like our father.

"What plan?"
"The one where you kill yourself."

Well there goes my illusion of happiness and ignorance.


Sorry it's so short!! I am at the doctors office and it's been a long day at work! I hate waking up at 6am :( but here's hoping that I update again soon!!!

Book 3, final chapter: I'm home Where stories live. Discover now