The kage meeting

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I don't know how they really go, so I am going to wing it. Don't hate me :(

Well, after three days of traveling and three days of being attacked constantly... Since someone would not stop talking and arguing, Naruto and Sai, it was only when Yamato showed his scary face that they stopped, when we finally arrived at the destination.

The only other Kage was Gaara and I was glad to see him as my heart fluttered at the sight of him, still breathing.

He looked at me when I let out a sigh as my other members of the group dispersed, and Kakash had dragged Naruto out by his ear. He was trying to play the big brother role which would not work.

I walked over once I sensed all chakra signatures were gone, and wrapped my arms around his neck while I buried my face there to inhale his sent of Sun and warm sand, with a hint of wood from traveling.

I felt his arms snake around my waist and his face was buried in my neck.

"What are you doing here?" He whispered and I had to suppress a shiver as his lips grazed my ear.

"I guess you didn't get me letter in time, I am the new Hokage in Konoha."

"But Danzo is here, he states that he is the new Hokage. This is strange." My anger bristled at his words and I drew away from his warmth.

"What? That's impossible. How did he get here before-" a sudden realization came to mind.

"Oh that little shit. Come on." I grabbed his hand and dragged him with me to where I sensed all their chakras.

Ignoring his silent questions I reared back and kicked the door open, letting go of Gaara's hand in the process. I took only three angry steps towards the pale boy before I grabbed the front of his jacket and rammed him against the wall hard, causing his head to slam into the concrete wall.

"You traitorous little shit, how dare you! Where is his seal?" Sai looked at me with his trained emotionless eyes but with my own I could see that he was scared and only following orders.

In response he let out his tongue and I could see the little black seal tattooed in the muscle.

Raising my other hand and putting my chakra filled finger to his to tongue while Gaara stood in front of the shocked onlookers while holding them off by having sand around their ankles, preventing any interruptions.

I cut the seal from his tongue and watched with some satisfaction as he wiggled in pain.

"So that 'short cut' was just a guise so Danzo could beat us here and claim that he was Hokage and do the peace talks. When I get my hands on him he is dead. What else dose he have planned? I know he sent you for a specific purpose!"

When he remained silent I lifted him higher and rammed him into the wall again, making it crack the cement.

"Don't make me rip it from your mind!" I yelled as Yamato stepped forward to calm me down.

"You stay there, this is not your business," I turned to Sai, "answer me."

He trembled a little, but it was well hidden as the only way I knew was because I was holding him tightly, as my eyes started to turn white and my grip tightened. Still he remained quiet.

Taking a few steps back, with him still in my grasp, I reached back and threw him into the wall, breaking it through completely, forcing him into the other room where the peace talks were as well as the other Kage's. And Danzo.

"What is the meaning of this!" The Tsuchikage shouted, he was a little old man but my eyes were only on Danzo and he looked at me with wide eyes.

"You are supposed to be dead." He said calmly, which angered me further.

I looked up at him with one white eye and a blue one that was half way white and he stood up quickly, chakra started to swirl around my body in a comforting manner but dangerous to others but myself.

"By the time I get to two, you better be out of here." My voice dark and cold as he backed out of the room.

"2." I sent a clone after him and he ran.

"What is going on here? That was the 6th Hokage you just ran out!" The Mizukage shouted, I looked at her with calm blue eyes as the chakra went away and all settled down, Garra calmly walked through the the hole in the wall as Naruto picked up his unconscious team mate and ran into the other room.

"Sorry about the wall, but shall we continue with the talks? I hope you do forgive me for my tardiness, my traveling companions were rowdy and drew a lot of attention." I politely said as I walked to the seat that Danzo one sat. As I passed B and Ei (A) I Ruffles their hair. I set my Kage hat down with the others as I stood with confidence and power.

"Let me introduce myself. I am Uzumaki Kiada, Rokudaime Hokage of the Village Hidden in the leaves."

"Danzo is the Hokage." One of the advisors spoke.

Instead of answering I simply tossed the letter of recognition that I was the Hokage, signed by all the elders.

"Danzo assigned one of his ANBU ROOT members to try and lead me off the main course and have me killed while he took my place. Simple as that. He will be dealt with shortly. May we continue?" I asked as I took my seat. A looked at me proudly as I secretly stuck my tongue out at him.

"Let the talks begin."

It was soon after that, that we would hear fighting.

Book 3, final chapter: I'm home Where stories live. Discover now