Chapter One

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Chapter One

"Lou. Louis wake up. I've got a surprise." I heard my mum's soft voice whisper.

I mumbled and rolled over, hugging the duvet close to my chest. It was too early in the morning to be bothered with.

"Louis. Wake up!" My sister, Lottie says.

I have four sisters. Charlotte - we call her Lottie - she's the oldest of my sisters, Felicity - Fizzy - the second oldest and the two twins, Daisy and Phoebe, the youngest. And of course, I'm the oldest. My mum and dad got divorced when I was young and so my mum - Jay - is a single mum. She works as a nurse so I usually have to babysit my sisters.

"C'mon Lou, mum has a present!" Daisy said.

"Yeah!" Phoebe jumped in.

I knew they wouldn't stop so I rolled around again and rubbed my eyes and opened them slowly only to see four pairs of eyes on me with big smiles on their faces. I looked down to my mum to see that she had an envelope grasped in her small, petite hands.

"Happy birthday baby." My mum smiled at me and so did my sisters. Their grins got bigger when my mum handed me the envelope.

I looked at them in confusion, grabbing the envelope from her. 

My mum nodded. "Open it." I didn't think her smile could get any bigger.

I looked down at the envelope in my hands, feeling the soft paper. I slid my thumb under the seal and ripped it all the way across. I carefully opened the flap and reached my fingers in the compartment.

I pulled out two rectangles of cardstock. I turned the small rectangles around and read them slowly.

'The Script Manchester O2 Apollo Arena Sunday, February 8'

I gasped. I glanced at my mother then back at the rectangles.

"A-are these." I paused and looked at my mum again. "Real?" She smiled and nodded slowly.

"Oh my god mum! Thanks you so much!" I jumped up and gave her a big hug.

"You're welcome sweetie. I think Daisy has something for you too." I looked at her and received a small nod from her.

I looked over at Daisy and she pulled out a rectangular box out from behind her back - which I didn't even know she had - and handed it to me.

I carefully opened the top and pulled both pieces of tissue paper out of the way. Only to find a t-shirt. 'The Script' was written on it in white letters against a black t-shirt.

"Thank you so much!" I looked at all of them and they had big smiles on their faces.

I loved The Script. They were one of my favorite bands. And when I heard they were coming to England I knew I had to get tickets. Hannah, my girlfriend, and I had stayed up until one in the morning trying to get tickets. They were all sold out and we were devastated.

I don't even know how my mum got a hold of some tickets and I didn't care because I was so excited that I finally get to see them.

I leaned across my bed and engulfed my mother into a hug. I've wanted to see The Script since I could remember. I let go of her and she smiled softly at me.

"I'm going to ring Hannah," I said to her and she nodded. Her and the girls left my room in silence as I put my mobile up to my ear. 

"Lou?" She asked, almost in a worried tone. 

"Hi Han, guess what," I smiled and looked down at the tickets in my hand. "Mum got me tickets for my birthday." 

"Lou that's great! I'm so happy for you," she said. I could hear the smile in her voice. 

Her and I stayed on the phone for an hour longer, talking about how our Christmas breaks were going and what we were planning to do with each of out families tomorrow. Before she said goodbye, she wished my a happy birthday followed by an 'I love you'. I smiled and said it back before hanging up. 

I slipped the tickets back into the envelope and rose my arms above my head and stretched my sleep weakened muscles. I swung my legs over the bed and rested my feet on the floor before standing all the way up. I walked over to my closet and set the ivory colored envelope onto a shelf. I shuffled through my shirts and decided on a mahogany colored jumper that was one size too big. I rolled up the sleeves a few times until my hands poked out of the sleeves. I paired it with khaki colored chinos and made my way to the bathroom across the hall from my room. 

I grabbed my toothbrush and wet it before blanketing the bristles with toothpaste. I looked into the mirror and my eyes immediately went to the picture of Hannah and I in the top right hand side corner. She was on my back and we were facing the wall length mirror in the living room of my house. The flash of the camera cause a slight blur of her face but you could still see Han's blond hair cascading down her shoulder and her pink lips pulled up into a smile. 

I rinsed my toothbrush and ran my fingers through my fringe a bit before making my way downstairs into the kitchen.

So guys, this is my new fan fiction that I'm writing. The chapters are kind of going to be short. I will try to make them as long as possible. I have some of the chapters written out all I need to do is type them. I got an idea off of tumblr (I think....?) off someone who posted a thing about Harry and Louis being at the same gig, so I thought it would be a great idea to write about it! Comment on what you think!:)

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