Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Christmas break had ended and school started up again. I walked over to my locker and rolled the dial to the appropriate numbers, swung the door open, and put my books into it before shutting it. I had just gotten back from Math and now we were heading to lunch.

I went over to our table that my friends usually sat at and waited for them to show up. It seems that kids in secondary school are afraid of change. Everyone has their designated place that they wait at in the morning for their friends, their own lunch table that they eat at everyday, and even a spot where they park their car.

I wanted to ask Hannah if she wanted to go to the concert with me. We have been together for about two months now and I really like her. I hope Stan wouldn't be jealous if I took Hannah instead of him. Stan has been my best mate since until I could remember. When I had moved to Doncaster when I was littler, Stan was the first kid to knock on my door and asked if I wanted to see his collection of American money, we both had to have been six at the time. He was always collecting something. In primary school, he liked to collect sweet wrappers from around the world.

"Hey Lou!" Stan's voice broke me out of my thoughts.

"Hey Stan!" I smiled at him.

"Happy late birthday mate!" He handed me a small wrapped box with a blue bow on top.

"Oh Stan, you didn't have to get me anything." I looked up at him.

He shrugged. "It's the least I could do." He smiled at me again.

I untied the bow and took the top off of the box. There was a wristband inside. It had the words 'The Script' on it.

"Aw, thanks Stan." I gave him a small hug.

"You're welcome." He said to me once we broke apart from the hug.

"Hey Louis." Hannah came over and gave me a quick peck on the lips.

"Hi love." I smiled at her. "Hey, so I was wondering if you wanted to come to the concert with me?"

Her eyes immediately lit up and her smiled reached her checks, causing her nose to crinkle a bit. "I would love to."

She pressed her lips lightly to mine and turned to Stan. "Lou finally got tickets to The Script."

"Oh is that so? This is the first I have heard of it," he said bluntly. I could tell he was upset. I only had two tickets and I really wanted to bring Stan, but Hannah was planning to go with me since I mentioned them when we first stated dating.

I gave him an apologetic smile, trying to push the guilt to the back of my brain.

I knew Stan loved The Script, he and I used to listen to them when their first album came out. I really didn't want to make Stan upset, but I managed to anyway.


"Hey Stan, wait up!" I hollered down the hall to Stan when the bell excused us to go home. He turned around and made his way up to me.

"What's up mate?" I sighed, he didn't sound angry anymore. I was worrying about Stan all day.

"You're not upset?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows. 

"No of course not, I understand that Hannah is your girlfriend and sometimes you choose her over me," he looked at the floor for a minute and then tipped his head up to meet my eyes again. A small lump formed in my throat and the guilt pilled high up again. 


"No Lou really it's fine, I guess I'll just have to catch another gig. Do you need a ride?" he quickly changed the subject.

"Uh, n-no Mum let me take the car today because she was off," I said, a bit confused. 

"All right, see you later mate," he flashed my a small smile and went out the doors. I wasn't really sure what to do about Stan. He seemed okay about me taking Hannah instead of him but I know he was still a little hurt that I chose her over him.

Helloooo!!! Haha anyone know who Marcus Butler is? No? Okay. Well, I hope you liked this chapter. Comment below and tell me what you think of the story so far. Sorry they are short chapters but they should be longer as we go. Thanks for reading and don't forget to pass this story around :)

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