Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

"Mum, are you doing anything today?" I asked as a inspected the half eaten apple in my hands.

"I'm going out with Stan's mum today. Why don't you ring Stan, see what he's up to?" she squeezed my shoulder as she went to the dining table and grabbed her purse. I sighed and sat down in a chair across from where she was standing.

"I don't know if he wants to hang out right now. He's kind of angry with me," I said, picking at the seeds in the apple core.

"What? Why?" she looked back at me, swinging her purse up onto her shoulder.

"Well, I asked Hannah if she wanted to go to the gig with me instead of him, so he was a little upset," I said and took another bite of my apple.

"Oh," she rummaged around in her purse for something, - probably her keys - brushing a piece of hair behind her ear. "Ring Hannah, yeah? I left you some money for dinner, Cindy and I will be out for a bit," she spoke again, smiling in success when she found what she was looking for.

"Yeah," I got off the bar stool and tossed my half eaten apple into the bin, fishing out my mobile from my pocket of my joggers.

"Have fun baby, call me if you need anything," she smiled at me and made her way out of the door.

I dialed Hannah's number with a few rings she answered. "Hello?" Her sweet, innocent voice made me all giddy and I smiled to myself.

"You wanna come over Han?"

"Yeah, is Stan coming?" she asked and my heart sank a little.

"I haven't asked, but he's a bit upset with me right now because I asked you to come with me instead of him," I replied.

"Oh, well, why don't you give him a ring? Maybe settle things out?" she said.

"Yeah," It wasn't a bad idea.

"Okay, well I'll be over in about 15. See you babe," when she hung up I rang Stan.

"Hey Lou," he said kind of quietly. He's still upset with me. 

"Wanna come over and hang out with Han and I?" I asked, fiddling with the money Mum had left on the kitchen counter.

"Uh, sure mate," I let out a sigh of relief and smiled. He wasn't mad enough to not want to be around me.

"See you in a minute," I said and hung up. Not even thirty seconds later my front door swung open and a happy looking Stan pranced through the doorway.

"What's got you all happy?" I asked, thankful that he wasn't sad anymore. 

"I have a surprise," he grinned even wider, stepping into the kitchen.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I got tickets," he said and I was confused a little because I wasn't quite sure what he meant before but then it clicked.

"No way bro," I smiled, his eyes were bright. I wrapped my arms around him and slapped him on his back.

"Right next to your seats too. I talked to your mom and asked what your seat numbers where and looked up the gig and saw they were having a last minute sale on single seats and I bought them. They were still a bit pricey, even on sale." 

"That's great man, I'm happy for you," I told him.

"Lou?" I heard Hannah's soft voice from the doorway.

"In the kitchen," I said loudly, making sure she could hear me.

She walked over and smiled when she saw Stan and I. 

"You guys all good?" she asked.

"Yeah," I looked at Stan and he smiled at me, "All good."


We were playing a card game when some how The X-Factor made its way into the conversation. 

"Lou, honestly you should audition," Hannah inputted to our conversation.

"I don't know, I'm really not that good, I probably won't even stand a chance against the rest of them," I shrugged.

I hadn't ever thought of auditioning for The X-Factor. My mum, sisters and I watch it all the time. I had fantasized about being on that stage and facing Simon Cowell, but I didn't take it very seriously.

"But you are good. You are great," Stan gave me a reassuring smile.

I sighed. I didn't do well with peer pressure, I usually always gave in. Even if I did make it to auditions, I would probably die of nervousness before actually making it up on stage.

"Just give it some thought," Hannah said.

So, what do you think of it so far? Do you like it? Do you hate it? Let me know in the COMMENTS! Thanks for reading! Share this story around please!

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