Chapter 14 Profile

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Chapter 14 Profile

Over the long plane ride we came to the conclusion that this guy was an anger excitation rapist. He was a classic sadist, the motivation being; sexual gratification from the victim's suffering, control, physical aggression, torture, sexual aggressive fantasies could be involved, and their goal was to inflict physical and psychological pain on the victim, ending in death. The victims were usually of similar type, they represented a type to the attacker, someone they wanted to destroy, or even a part of themselves that they wanted to destroy.

The method of attack usually involved a con. This guy put a lot of planning into these actions. The con was the plan to get close followed physical force that could involve weapons, possibly including his rape kit. This could include a tie of some kind (duct tape, cuffs, rope, zip tie) used more for fear than control. The torture was brutal and prolonged pain that could involve fetishes (mutilated body parts, necrophilia) which thankful our guy wasn't into. Also the angrier he became the more violent he would become.

His behavior would be the hardest to predict, he would come off as charming and intelligent, a non-threat. The con he used in the approach would be used to gain trust and he would use hostile instead of profane language. His mood would change erratically during the first encounter with the victim if the encounter was prolonged. During the attack these guys would usually demand to be called a certain name, this was usually to establish that they were in control.

This was confirmed by our surviving victims. Another thing confirmed by our victims was that he asked about their pain and seemed to get off on it. He would also humiliate the victim, usually through torture, telling them they were meaningless or worthless.

The sexual behavior would extend to owning porn, usually very graphic, being excited by the victim's emotional/physical pain, probably has rehearsed his actions with a compliant individual, bondage beyond the usual DSM (Ritualistic), using objects to penetrate the victim, recording keeping of the attacks and he would keep souvenirs. And he would be selfish.

His MO would be lethal, organized, he would be opportunistic in victim selection, he would take authority positions to easily earn trust, plan for every detail, the murder would be methodical, the victims would be; vulnerable, seducible, nonaggressive, low self-esteem, the aggression would increase with each attack, and dispose of the victim, most likely with the intent to hide the body.

His signature would involve the use of special instruments to aid in the attack or inflict pain, the predominant aspect would be a sexual component (eroticized sex and violence), he would portray himself as caring, his victims would always be a stranger, the attack could last hours or even days, and he would most likely be somewhat drunk when he attacked.

His personal life would be even harder to predict, but from the information on other anger excitation rapists we could conclude that; he will lead a secret life (married, middle-class family man, white-collar job), he would have had some college education, he would likely abuse drugs and alcohol, most likely have anti-social personality disordered, he would be aggressive in everyday life and most likely be OCD. Odds were that he was either one or some combination of: raised in a single parent house, parents were divorced, physically abused, and possibly raised in a sexually deviant home.

We rested for the rest of the plane ride, we had a few hours till we would land and then after talking to the victims we would refine the profile even more.

~the next morning~

After talking to the victims we realized that the unsub was a woman. This wouldn't change much in the profile, but why was this woman targeting other women? What had happened to her to cause her to do this? Whatever it was my guess was it had something to do with her mother. Another guess of mine was that I would be going undercover as I once again looked like the victims.

We briefed the department after talking to the victims. All the officers were stunned that we would be looking for a woman, with a male partner. He would be used to lure the women to an isolated location. I was with my brother at the moment with a few other officers getting ready to go undercover.

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