Chapter 45 Shit Here We go Again

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Chapter 45 Shit Here We go Again

I drove back to the hotel, I was tired and I wanted to take a nap and get something to eat. "So now what?" Spencer asked. "I mean, we didn't find the killer."

"Tomorrow when the team lands we go the police station. For tonight, we take a hot shower and have something hot to eat and get some sleep." I parked the car as we pulled up to the hotel. "You go on up to the room, I'll go get us some dinner. Here's the car key if you need it."

"Don't you need them to go get dinner?" Spencer asked.

"No, I prefer to walk. I'll be fine, go on, go take a hot shower. I'll be back soon," I said patting his back. I started to walk down the side walk.

"Lea," Spencer called. "Be careful. There is a killer out there."

"Always am Spencer." I headed down the street and tried to decide what to get for dinner. There were several places to choose from just a block away from the hotel. I never made it to one of the restaurants however.

Spencer's POV

I went on up to the room as Lea insisted. I wasn't sure if I should let her go alone but I wanted to be alone right now. Lea had stayed with me the whole day like she said; she had even punched a few people that had tried to pick on me. A person had tried to start a fight with her and he ended up on the floor. I did as she said and took a hot shower. The steam, the hot water was wonderful.

When I got out I thought Lea would be back but she wasn't it. There was no sign of her. "Lea!" I called. There was no answer. I pulled out my phone to call her; she should be back by now. When I heard her phone pick up I started talking, "Lea, where are you? Are you okay?"

Her voice was not the one that answered, it was deep, computer generated, "Spence, what a cute contact name. You must be looking for the owner of this phone. I'm sorry to say that you won't be hearing from her or seeing her again. She'll be next on the victims list for LVPD. Hope they configure this out before she dies. She has 24 hours." With that the phone went dead.

She had gone missing under my watch again. I called the team. Hopefully Garcia would be able to track her.

Silence in the BAU Office a Spencer Reid love storyWhere stories live. Discover now