Chapter 3: Moving On?

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Prentiss and JJ arrive at the last dumping sight.

"If I were this unsub that dumps the bodies into ditches then would I hide a Body or would I display this one if there was another one?" Prentiss asks.

"Uh maybe further down the ditches?" JJ responds.

"Well let's go have a look." Prentiss responds.

They walk further from the dumping sight they found the two bodies.

"Prentiss." JJ calls her over.

"What's u..oh my god!" Prentiss exclaims as she sees the organs, chewed up limbs, and a ribcage of a human.

"No other body was found, because it was dragged off and eaten..." JJ states as she calls Hotch. "We found the other body Reid said we would possibly find." She explains.

"Where did you find it?" Hotch asks.

"In the tall grass of the ditch." JJ answers. "It wasn't found because it was totally destroyed by some animal."

"Well then, make sure to stay there, reopen the dumping ground as a crime scene." Hotch explains and hangs up.

"What's going on?" Reid asks, looking up at Hotch.

"They found that body you said they might find if there was one. It wasn't found because it was dragged into the tall grass and destroyed by some animal." Hotch answers and looks down at Reid. His heart drops as soon as he looks at Reids innocent curious face.

"Well that's unfortunate..." Reid mumbles and looks down.

"Yeah." Hotch sits next to Reid.

"I dont understand. The unsub is either working here or is working with someone here." Reid mumbled.

"I dont either, but that's what we are here for." Hotch responds. "We're going to head down to the dumping sight. Let's go." Hotch states.

"I'll just stay here and keep going through this. Something really isn't making since around here." Reid protests.

"You sure?" Hotch asks earning a nod from the younger profiler. "Alright." He heads out, leaving Reid in the briefing room of the station.

The sherriff notices this and walks in. "Is something wrong with the case?" He asks. "Is there something I can help with?"

Reid looks up at Buchmann and thinks about that really quick and then nods. "Yeah, uh, who has complete authority over these files?" He asks.

"That be me." Buchmann answers.

"Who wrote these files?" He asks.

"Uh it was my deputy." Buchmann answers.

"Is he here now?" Reid asks.

"No he went with Special Agent Hotchner." Buchmann answers.

Reid nods. "Thanks." Buchmann nods and disapears.

Reid calls Hotch right away. "Hotch, the deputy that went with you is the one that wrote the files."

"So you think he might be the one the unsub is working with or is the unsub?" Hotch asks.

"I uh I think he might be." Reid answers in a low tone.

"I'll keep an eye on him." Hotch states. "And Reid."

"Yeah?" Reid asks.

"Keep an eye on Buchmann." Hotch orders.

"I will." Reid responds and hangs up.

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