Chapter 5: Jealousy

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After the whole briefing of their unsub that kidnaps and kills males in their early to mid 20's.

"Alright, so the unsub has a pattern of picking the victims on a Wednesday and then is held for a week before found dead in a field." JJ states, sounding disappointed for the cancelled movie night.

"There was traces of sexual contact aswell." Morgan adds.

"So this unsub is kidnapping these men, rapping them, killing them, and dumping them to go find another victim." Rossi explains.

"And it's always the same age range." Prentiss adds.

"Sexual Satist? " Rossi asks.

"Most likely." Morgan answers.

"Maybe the unsub is doing this to prove a point of being dominant and trying to make men who talk about being dominate to make them less dominate." Reid starts to explain.

"Okay my pretties." Garcia appears on the screen.

"What you got for us baby girl?" Morgan asks.

"Well the station is ready for you guys and there's the slight issue of possibly a sickness going around. So maybe Reid, you'd like to stay at the hotel maybe?" Garcia states. "Cause your hotels are booked aswell."

"Thank you Garcia." Reid laughs a bit.

"Anything for my boy genius." Garcia states with a smile.

"Alright so Reid and Morgan you two can go to the Hotel to get our rooms." Hotch states.

"Alright." Reid states with a smile and looks over to Morgan.

"You sure you are okay with this Pretty Boy?" Morgan asks.

Reid gives his small and quick smile with a nod. "Yeah." He answers. "If Hotch is okay with it then I am."

"Well it's just for an hour and then I will come and get you, head to the scene. Then Rossi will come and pick up Morgan and take him to the other scene." Hotch states.

That's when Morgan's jealousy starts to flare again. Of course Hotch didn't want Morgan anywhere near Reid.

"Why couldn't Morgan and I go to the scene after checking in?" Reid asks.

This gives Morgan some hope.

"Because I said it already." Hotch states, looking Reid in the eyes. "And what I say goes, remember?"

Reid does his famous eyebrow raise and looks down. "Alright."

Morgan notices and starts to think that everything can't be that great in their relationship after witnessing that.

"What will JJ and I do?" Prentiss asks.

"You two will come with us to the station and then you go to the third crime scene." Hotch answers.

"Alright, sounds good." Prentiss states.

"Alright my sweets, call if you need anything, and none of you better get sick." She states as she logs off the screen.

Reid looks out the window. He has a blank look on his face and Morgan can't tell if he is thinking about something or he is just spacing out.

Hotch notices Reids spacing out and places his hand on top of Reids, causing him to jump a bit. "You okay?" He asks.

"Yeah." Reid answers with a smile and flips his hand in Hotch's hand so that they are both holding each others hand.

Morgan groans and disappears into the back of the jet. Reid notices this but doesnt make any effort to go and see if he is okay.

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