chapter 2 Monday Morning Sucks!!!

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Zane's pov

I hate riding this F***in bus. If i was'nt on probation. I would'nt be sitting here on this bus next to this girl Naomi River. I hate people so much, there is  reason I sit alone  i'm going to have to make her not want sit next to me again. But how?. I turn my head slighty to get a good look at her. She has really long black hair  and the prettiest icy blue eyes i have ever seen. I mean there is bit of purple in her eyes. She looks like she a mixture of of multiple races in her skin which is a smooth looking light mocha color. She is extremly beautiful. As I'm  thinking all of this she turns to look at me

"so zane what grade are you in" naomi says

" I what grade do you F**in think im in? i reply

"  you look like you might bmaybe be in 12th grade"

" Bing bing bing we have a winner and her name is naomi, can we have a prize for this newbie shorty over here" I yell to the bus driver.

everyone looks over at the bus driver for his answer. He smirk " I'll be her prize but i'm only off on weekends" he says as he winks looks and looks intensly at her.

I laugh at the horrified expression on her face that soon turns to anger.

She turns to me quickly and punches hard in the face busting open my lip. hse stares at me and says in a steely low voice " screw you Michaels i tried being friendly but your such a aniaml wipe"

" Like I asked for your friendship" I spat as I wipe blood from my still bleeding lip

the bus finally pulls up to the school and naomi jumps out of the seat to get off the bus.As she passes the bus driver he says "see ya later cupcake". She turns to him with a dishusted look then turns back to give me a a glare that could kill before steping off the bus.

I luaghed as she walks across campus. Darn naomi is fiesty short girl. maybe we could eventually be friends if she does'nt think im  a complete wack job like everybody in this school thinks or maybe im hoping for something that willl never come true who knows anything can happen at pierce falls high.

Naomi pov

I step off the bus quickly because humiliation was buring on my cheeks. The nerve of that repulsive cocky boy. The one time I try to step otside my confort zone to talk o a guy this mess happens. ughh!!! my life is so cruel. After i calmed my self down i decided to take a look at my new school.

Pierce falls huigh is a older school . the wole school is covered with a bunch of  medieval architectual designs with enormous columns near the main entrance.. It looks more like harvard than a actual high school.

 I begin walking to the front doors of the school as The bell rangs. when I enter into the main hallway which was  shaped like a big circle , the inside looks just as old and fancy as the outside.

The stairs are huge and made out of of darks brown wood that shined but still has that worn out vintage look. The floor was white marble that looked newly polished and in the middle of of the floor was  i assume the pierce falls high mascot which is the cobra with golden scales and a purple tongue.( school colors are purple, gold, black)

while I was standing there admiring the school for who knows how long i felt a person push me so hard that i fell to the floor. ohh i didnt know floors could sparkle i think while im laying  on the floor trying to recover from shock when i heard a voice say

"Excuse me loser but your in my way" i look up and there is a dirty blond with a really bad brown  highlights, blue eyes and plae white skim lokking down at me.

"hmm you can go around me blondie" I say as I get up from the floor.

"listen b*** I don't know who you think you are but you better show some respect or else. says a burnette girl standing right next to her.

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