Can Skeletons Cry? ~Part 11~

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After the kids collected as much candy as they could from the giant sized pumpkin there parents took them home so they wouldn't be hyper and break anything in the lab.
So for now it was just the skeleton brothers with there little bundle, Toriel, Frisk, Mettaton, Asgore, Grillby, Undyne, and Alphys.
Napstablook was there too, he was still playing some songs since Asgore, and the others, really liked the music.
The monsters sat around the bar counter eating some of the left over candy and talking about things like puzzles or special attacks and how there lives where now they where free again.
Sans was holding (Your Name) in his lap, (he/she) was baby talking, not really making much since of anything. Laughing and cooing (Your Name) looked up at Sans and squealed with joy as they clapped there hands.
"I still can't believe little (Your Name) won the contest with most creative." Papyrus said as he looked at the child.
Sans looked at the little child in his arms and chuckled,
"Well you put the costume together, bro. So I kinda knew daddy's little (girl/boy) would have won it." He said with a smile.
"Da...daddy!" (Your Name) said with a happy coo.
Everyone stopped talking and looked at the baby who had said there first word.
Sans ripped the white sheet of his ghost costume off himself, a wide and happy grin on his face. Holding the small (boy/girl) close to him, almost like a hug, he smiled.
"That's right. I'm daddy, and nothing will change that." He said as blue tears formed in his eyeless eye sockets and ran down his smooth bone face.
"Is he crying? I didn't know skeletons could cry." Mettaton said looking at Sans.
"They can but it's rare. Only something very emotional can make us cry." Papyrus said as he looked at his brother and little (nephew/niece) and smiled. "And Sans getting called daddy is very emotional." Papyrus finished with a smile.

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