Such A Cute Room ~Part 33~

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Scout and (Your Name), now knowing they where having a girl, got to work on setting up the nursery in girl style.
With the help of there friends, and the monsters (Your Name) grew up knowing, the nursery was finished in just a few short days. The set up was so beautiful, the monsters had actually painted the the sunset they had seen on there first day they arrived at the surface. It so beautiful because they painted it across the wall from the window so it always looked like a sun set or a sun rise in that room.
Having the room painted the couple could now move stuff and baby furniture into the room.
(Your Name) sat in the rocking chair they had just put in and was folding the small baby clothes, a smile on (his/her) face. (Your Name) looked away from the clothes and looked at Scout, Papyrus, and Sans as they tried to set up the crib. Papyrus wanted to use bones for the bars but Scout said he'd rather use the bars that came with the set up. But then Sans spoke up,
"I say use bones, that's what I used with (Your Name) on (his/her) first night I had em." He said smiling at (Your Name).
(Your Name) only smiled and softly laughed "I say use bones. There more creative than them silly bars." (Your Name) said smiling.
Papyrus only grinned happily as he got to work summing bones for the cribs new bars.
"So do you guys have any ideas for a name yet?" Sans asked looking at (Your Name) and Scout.
"Well, I'm happy with whatever name (Your Name) likes and picks out." Scout said smiling, his tail wagging as it made a soft thumping sound against the smooth hard wood floor.
(Your Name) smiled and sighed softly "I've thought of a few names and I really like the names Luna, Ivy, and Starlight but I can't really decide on one cause there all really pretty." (Your Name) said smiling softly.
"I like how you based the first name and last name off stars. How 'bout Luna Starlight Ray?" Sans said, since (Your Name) and Scouts last name was Ray.
"Oh I like that name! I really do!" Scout said smiling like a dork.
"As do I, Luna Starlight Ray I like it." (Your Name) said happily.
"Time to get wall letters!!" Scout said throwing his arms up in the air laughing.
"Yes! Wall letters please! Oh we can get pretty dark blue and blue letters!" (Your Name) said happily and giggled softly.
Sans only chuckled at the two as his grin grew a little wider at the thought of how they would be parents.

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