Chapter One

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Harry was late to his potions class. He gathered up his quill and parchment rather hastily from the Gryffindor common room. As he made his way through the abandoned corridors, he heard Peeves tricking someone to pull a prank on Professor Flitwick. Once he arrived at the alpine Ill-lighted doors, the gateway to his unfavorable class, he heaved them open and saw about 30 faces looking at him. Harry winced at the smell. He could only make out Malfoy's sly grin.
"Where have you been, Mr.Potter?" said Snape coldly.
"I- uh, I was - I am, I'm sorry I'm late, Professor," lurched Harry.
"That doesn't quite answer my question, Mr. Potter." Snape's lip curled. Harry could see Pansy Parkinson, just behind Snape, concealing her squeaky giggles.
"10 points from Gryffindor," announced Snape. Harry wondered if Malfoy's grin could stretch out any further. Once Snape left the room to fetch some "Moonstone", Harry asked in a quite emphatic voice, "Why does the room smell like it's drenched in Malfoy's cologne?"
Everyone else in the room laid eyes on him, including Draco himself. Harry thought it was an unexpected reaction since Draco didn't defend himself in any way.
That was, until, Hermione spoke in a low and hesitated voice, "This is Amortentia, Harry. It smells differently to everyone according to what attracts them."
Harry was reddening to the point where his thin, bony cheeks were benumbed. Now everyone was informed about his scrubby crush on Draco. He felt like Apparating to another place, another time. But, of course, he has not yet mastered this skill as he was only 15 years of age. He felt that every pair of eyes in this territory bore into his.
"I smell Malfoy's cologne, too," mumbled Ron, so that only a small group of people could apprehend what he's saying. However, the majority of the class heard every word he said.
"Pfft, the only thing you'd be smelling is your cheap perfume, Weasel-bee," snorted Draco in response.
"Get on with your work," a loud, cold voice echoed behind them at the entrance. Snape had apparently found some Moonstone.


As Harry, Ron and Hermione walked down the lawns toward the forest for Care of Magical Creatures, Hermione asked, "But how come you and Ron smelled Malfoy's cologne? It makes absolutely no sense at all."
"What is wrong with you, Hermione? I just said that to make Harry feel better," protested Ron.
"So you didn't actually smell Dra- I mean Malfoy's cologne?" asked Harry, slightly confused.
"Um, well, no, not really..." Ron's voice trailed off at the end.
"So let me get this straight. The smell that attracts me the most is Malfoy's Colo-"
The Slytherins marched beside them, one of them knocking into Harry.
"You're Malfoy's boyfriend, Potter?" bellowed one of the Slytherins.
"Ignore them, Harry," whispered Hermione.
Harry walked all the way to class with a look of anger and antagonism on his face.
During the lesson, Draco would appear out of thin air to mutter abrupt and irritable things to Harry when the professor wasn't looking. He'd mention things along the lines of, "Still smell my cologne, Potter?"

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