Chapter Four

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Harry walked to his Defence Against the Dark Arts with an extreme weight on his shoulders. He didn't want to end up harming his so-called enemy. As he barged in the candle-lit classroom with all the desks and tables vacant, he realised that he was earlier than usual.

He took a seat in the far corner of the class, where Draco used to sit. The iron chandelier that hung above Harry's head kept him distracted. He suddenly wished he was an inanimate object, because who would call a chandelier "The Chosen One"? Well, maybe except for chandelier enthusiasts.

As the class started filling up, Harry got his Confronting the Faceless textbook out. He started flicking through the pages, predicting what lesson they would attend today.

"Settle down, class!" Slughorn's shouting seemed to startle Harry and many others. He caught Hermione's eye and she tried to smile, but instead she looked like she was fabricating it.

"Alrighty then, open up on page 213 and start reading the chapter on the Cruciatus Curse. Get on, then!" Slughorn took a seat behind his clustered desk and stared at his students. Neville shuddered and did as he was told.

Despite the fact that Harry was never one to get such high grades, he was still a quick reader. He read the passage more than three times. He then started doodling in the corner of his pages with his quill absentmindedly. Without Draco's remarks, the class wasn't as amusing as it seemed.

"Weasley! I see you're having quite a chat with Mr. Finnigan. Would you like to answer a few questions on the passage?"

Ron stared at Slughorn with a terror-stricken look on his face.

"I'll ask anyways, then. The Cruciatus, Imperius and Killing Curse are classified under which curses?" Slughorn's smile bared all his yellow, slightly misshapen teeth.

Hermione's hand shot up.

"All of them are Unforgivable curses as they "doom you to a mandatory life sentence in Azkaban." " Ron stared at Harry with such strong intensity that Harry instantaneously looked down. He knew he wasn't that weak. He looked back up at Slughorn.

"Well done, m'boy!" Shouted Slughorn, causing half of the class to mentally wake up. "10 points to Gryffindor!" Apparently, Harry thought, you still score even when you fail.


Right after Defence Against the Dark Arts, Harry decided to pull a Hermione and surge to the library. He dashed down the halls, ignoring everyone who could possibly be Ron or Hermione.

Harry stopped dead in his tracks. A few of the students behind him accidentally pushed into him and  muttered a couple of rude words. He neglected them completely as his mind was fixated on the Hospital wing, which was a few feet away.

Bolting as if he were on a mission, he speculated how he'd approach someone he  just cursed. Should he just casually greet him or not go there at all? He abruptly remembered that he perhaps may have blacked out.

He pushed open the great, oak doors that led to the Hospital Wing. There he was, his hair outshining other heads. His hair resembled the Golden Egg that he had encountered during the Triwizard Tournament; beautiful but a misery.

Harry made his way cautiously, making sure no one was sneaking glances at him. Everyone, however, was absorbed in who they were visiting. A couple of beds that were occupied had no visitors whatsoever, and one of them belonged to Draco.

Draco looked even paler as Harry inched closer. He looked like a dead body, lying fixed and lifeless. Harry just stood there stiffly, contemplating the blond boy that lay before him. Draco's eyes seemed to flutter, but rested again. Harry must have been hallucinating.

Again, Harry turned around, checking if anyone was looking at him while muttering under his breath, "I shouldn't have come here, I'll only cause more damage."

Out of the corner of his eyes, he could swear he saw the duvet move.


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