Chapter Six

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"Malfoy-", Harry started, but Draco soon interrupted.

"I wonder what pathetic excuse you'll come up with this time," he hissed.

Harry adjusted himself in his bed and tried to sit upright, but he couldn't - his chest ached intensely.

"Listen, I didn't know what the spell was going to do to you. I really didn't."

Scowling, Draco crossed his arms, unconvinced. He leant his head upwards ever so faintly, just enough for the keen sun rays to slightly graze over his gelled mane of blonde hair.

"I swear I didn't know what was going to hap- Never mind. I don't know why I'm telling you this anyways - you won't believe me either way."

Harry readjusted his glasses, pushing the bridge up and down his nose.

He took them off, cleansed them with the immaculate white duvet, and put them back on. Everything looked limpid now, including Draco's hostile stare.

Harry exchanged the same stare, which forced Draco avert his.

Looking over to the left, he noticed some chocolate frogs on his bedside table. He picked them up and examined the message tag; it was from Dean and Seamus. He beamed to himself playfully and set the box back on the table. He wasn't really in the mood to eat.

An unexpected movement on the opposite bed caught Harry's attention - Draco was repositioning himself in his bed too, but he flinched and gave up. They locked eyes.

"So, how much did you pay to be put in the bed opposite mine?"

Harry huffed.

"Oh, shut it Malfoy."

Draco smirked and unlocked his arms.

"Anyways, what I actually wanted to ask was why you came to visit. It struck me as quite peculiar, to be honest."

Draco tilted his head upwards again, as if he was looking down on Harry, which he thought he frequently did.

Sharing the same sneer, Harry joked, "Just wanted to see how much damage I did to your shirt."

A burst of unfeigned laughter came out of Draco's mouth, which was something Harry wasn't anticipating at all. It appeared simon-pure and genuine - it nearly made Harry chuckle along as well, and that was exactly what he did.

No more than a few seconds later, Draco cut his laughter rather abruptly, like a blown out candle.

The last few remnants of Harry's giggles reverberated all around them.


"I- I wanted to see what I've done, and was wondering if I could ever forgive m-"

The doors that led to the hospital wing unenclosed all of a sudden. In came Dumbledore, his robes flying behind him. Harry felt like sniggering at the sight - oh, if only Ron and Hermione were here, he thought to himself.

Draco looked at Dumbledore with a new-found curiosity, like a child who was soon to be told a secret.

"Poppy! Separators, please. Around Harry's bed, thank you."

Harry didn't have time to react (and no time to finish that sentence); Dumbledore seemed to be swifter than most men his age.

From the corner of the room, the separators levitated and settled themselves around Harry's bed.

Almost in a flash, a chair whizzed by Harry's bed and landed right next to him. Dumbledore took a seat, and still managed to look calm and composed after speed-walking.

His eyes twinkled. He set his enfeebled, bony hands on his laps.

"Harry, tell me what happened."

{A/N - Sorry for the extremely late and not-so-good update. I knew some of you guys are waiting (or were) for a new chapter update, and here it is! With that said, I hope you guys enjoyed the new chapter - sayonara!}

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