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I tightly clutched my passport on my chest. The sounds of the passengers were deafening while my heart gallops with the building fear within-- clutching in my mind. I breathe in and out, trying to control my anxiety.

Is this the start?

Can I really handle this?


The thought of riding the airplane alone scares me. It's not that I have a phobia in going high places but this is not the same. I'm not with my mom. I'm not the same 10 years old kid I used to be. I'm already 18 today. Yes, today. Yesterday, 17.

I sighed, there is no use to rethink my choices. I have already decided, this is my fate. I will never back down just for the reason of the fear of being alone.

I straightly stood from the waiting chair and I began to walk to the entrance.

Yup, that's right. Just walk straightly and everything will be okay.

Everything will be okay

After repeating the same words to occupy my mind. I already sat on the front row seat of the airplane. I'm thankful that I managed to get in here. I breath heavily and I closed my eyes.


I already heard the flight stewardess to turn off our devices and clutch our seatbelts. As I was about to turn off my cellphone, I smiled when I saw my wallpaper. It was my mom smiling when I was a newborn tucked in her arms while dad pecked a kiss on my forehead.

Don't worry appa, I'll find you

I had finally turned off my cellphone but my grin was still stuck on my face. I remember that time when I was young, my father strung the strings of his guitar. He happily played it and the melody felt sunrise on my ears. I used to nag him to play more and he would just keep playing until I fall asleep. Now, I play it by myself but it was never the same as before. We were a happy family until...

He never came back to New York

As he stepped outside our door, it was already my last memory of him. His last words to me was "Father loves you okay? I'll be back soon".

I waited for days, months to years. Wishing every year on the day of my birthday to recieve a call from him, but there was not a sound coming from him. Countless nights were just about me crying as a child and I stopped caring when I turned 12, but when we received news that he was seen at Korea by the friend of my mom. I had a glimpse of hope, he was still alive. Then I promised myself that I'll find him no matter what. I'll also achieve my dream as a singer and maybe that way he will recognize me. I know it's only easy when I just say it. It will took a lot of effort and maybe another countless cries but I will persevere. I will not only find my dad but it is also about finding myself. In Korea, I will fix the broken pieces inside of me.

This is my start.

Korea is my beginning.

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