Love Isn't So Stupid After All...

324 7 5

Words: 1526

Warnings: None

Plot: Chazz has a serious crush on Syrus but can't say anything to the boy in fear of being rejected. So he decides to tutor the boy in hopes of getting to know him better.

Chazz Princeton was DualAcademy's equivalent of the school bully. But he didn't bully every single person he saw. There was really only one boy that he tried to bully and make him feel like he was worthless, and that was the infamous Jaden Yuki. However, no matter how many insults Chazz threw at the boy, he still seemed to laugh and smile. Even in duals were Jaden could possibly lose he still came out on top, quickly becoming one of the best dualist's at the school. Even with his grades Jaden could beat anyone in a dual. Especially the other Slifer's, who were normally trying not to be seen by the Obelisk's in fear that they'd get their butts kicked in a dual.

Although Chazz wasn't really interested in Jaden, no he was in fact interested in Syrus Truesdale. He was Zane Truesdale's younger brother, and Jaden's best friend. Chazz didn't want to make fun of the small Slifer, he simply wanted to get to know the boy a bit better.

"Hey, Slifer Slacker..." Chazz said entering the Slifer cafeteria.

"Hey, Chazz, wanna dual later on?" Jaden asked, smiling and almost bouncing in his seat, which was currently next to his boyfriend Jesse Anderson.

Shaking his head Chazz walked away from the hyper-active Slifer. He always seemed to have energy when not in class. This was always noticeable, as Jaden often slept in class and was hyper when outside and especially while duelling. The boy never turned down the chance to dual someone. No matter what rank they were at the school. They could be the strongest Obelisk and he'd still take them down without second thoughts. That's just who he was. But Chazz wasn't interested in the Slifer; he was interested in the small boy who was sitting quietly next to Hassleberry.

"Truesdale, can I talk to you alone for a minute?" Chazz said, looking at the blue haired boy.

Nodding the smaller boy stood up, walking out of the cafeteria with Chazz. After a while of walking Chazz stopped next the bridge, he wasn't sure what to say. Like; 'Hey, Syrus, I know we aren't friends or anything, but I sort of like you. Would you go out with me?' That would just make things super awkward, especially if the other boy didn't like him back. So Chazz just thought of something else.

"Syrus, I was wondering if you needed any duelling tips, 'cause I could help you out if you wanted..." Chazz said, looking at the small, blue haired boy.

"Sure, I could always use the help Chazz. Thanks for offering..." Syrus said, smiling up at the raven haired boy.

It had only started as a thing at the weekends but now Chazz was helping Syrus nearly every other day. Although it didn't worry him, he knew that the younger boy would need the extra help. And this was probably the best way to get the dualist to know that he actually cared for him.

"So, when you play this monster, activate it's special ability and draw to more cards, summon another monster if you can and then end with this card face down" Chazz said, looking at the possible combinations that Syrus could use with his deck.

Searching through the cards that Syrus had, Chazz could see that the boy's deck was something that any 7 year old boy would have. This was an indication that Syrus had never grown out of his beginner deck, and had only added a few more cards over the years. Now being aged 16 he had the deck that possibly a 9 year old would have.

Although there was still promise, when Syrus duelled he had a certain way knowing what to do. His cards were always in the right place at the time, though they weren't used correctly. Chazz knew this from the few duals they had at the weekends. Chazz stated it was just to check Syrus' dual strategies and see if they were getting any better, which they were.

Sighing happily Chazz let Syrus destroy his last 100 life points, before pulling the boy into a hug. It was a fair match. Syrus had actually earned the victory and that was why he was hugging the boy.

"Well done, Syrus. You're improving really quickly..." Chazz said, letting go of the small boy, in favour of turning away blushing lightly.

The exams were today, and Chazz knew that Syrus would have tried to stay up all night, but thanks to the fact that he had been too tired the night before he'd slept. So as Syrus walked to the school building with Chazz he didn't feel stressed or tired, he felt relaxed. He knew that the months of training were going to pay off and before long he'd be in another dorm. Well he'd rank up; nothing said he had to move dorms.

While waiting in the stands with Jaden, Jesse, Axel and Jim, Syrus watched Hassleberry and Chazz engage in their fights. These weren't exactly the best examples of the schools brains. As before long the two opposing dualist's were knocked down to 0 life points and the pair returned to the group in the stands.

"That was easy, you're up Sy. Don't mess up!" Chazz warned, looking at the Slifer boy, who was soon to be in Ra or Obelisk.

"Next up is Syrus Truesdale against Jaden Yuki..." Dr. Crowler announced, watching from the little judges booth.

Jaden walked over to Syrus and gave him that cheeky smile that said 'Get your game on!' before he walked down to the arena. Waiting for Syrus to join him on the pitch, Jaden set his deck into the dual disk.

"Remember the training Syrus. I know you can beat him..." Chazz said, smiling at the Slifer student.

Nodding Syrus walked down to the pitch, standing opposite from his best friend. From the get-go the match was tricky. Jaden was a smart dualist and always believed his cards, but this time he did have a little trouble duelling Syrus. The small boy had improved significantly. Knowing that this was due to Chazz helping him, he couldn't help but smile. The pair was so adorable together, that it wouldn't surprise Jaden if Syrus and Chazz were in a relationship or liked each other in that way.

After winning the match against Jaden, Syrus was ranked up to Ra Yellow. Syrus then ended up getting dragged back to the Slifer dorms, his friends saying that he should celebrate tonight. Even Jaden seemed happy and cheerful, despite the loss.

Chazz went to his room though, knowing that his work was done and that Syrus would be able to improve on his own now, without the help he'd required before. Although Syrus noticed that Chazz wasn't anywhere to be found. So when he heard someone crying in their dorm, he wondered if it could be Chazz. Pressing his ear against the Slifer's dorm door, he could hear the muttered words and the sobs that filled the room. The poor boy on the other side of the door had managed to push Syrus into Hassleberry's arms. He knew that the Dino dualist liked Syrus, but didn't think that he'd ever act on it.

But while Jaden and Syrus had been duelling, Hassleberry had told Chazz to back off. Seeing as he was going to ask the small boy out. This had crushed Chazz' heart and here he was, sitting in his dorm room, thinking about the boy he loved. He knew that there was no way that Syrus would like him back and that he should have just taken the opportunity all those months ago to ask the boy out. But he didn't have the guts then and now that he did he couldn't do anything.

"Chazz, are you alright?" a small voice asked, gently pushing the door open, it was Syrus.

"Y-yea..." Chazz muttered looking down at the bed he was sat on.

"No, you're upset, what's wrong?" Syrus asked, sitting down next to the black haired Slifer.

"I like s-someone, b-but they p-p-probably don't f-feel the same way..." Chazz stuttered out, the feeling a weakness had taken over.

No longer able to talk anymore Chazz just let the tears fall silently from his eyes. Syrus caught sight of the tears and wiped them away gently. Carefully leaning up to kiss Chazz' soft lips. Looking at the small boy in shock Chazz kissed back. Enjoying the feeling that he received from the kiss...

Maybe love wasn't such a stupid thing after all. Because right now that's all he felt. Love! It was amazing because he felt like he had a place, a role to play. Something other than just the snobby rich kid that everyone thought he was.

"Chazz, who ever it is, they are bound to love you back!" Syrus stated once they'd pulled apart.

"That's the thing though. I love you, Syrus. That's why I offered to help you..." Chazz said looking away embarrassed for saying that.

"Well I love you too, Chazz. So I guess we were meant to be..." Syrus said, giggling a little.

Syrus Truesdale x Chazz Princeton One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now