The Valentines Day Date!

186 5 5

Words - 967

Warnings - None

Valentines Day was not something that went amiss at Dual Academy, it was the one time of the year were every super nerdy kid turned really hot and asked out the hottest girls in the school. But for some of the boys, they weren't really into girls all that much. Two boys in particular, Syrus and Chazz had been dating for almost two years now, and had celebrated this occasion twice before hand – this being their third. Looking around at all the other people in their school go about the yearly traditions of looking nice for one day, getting a hot date and then turning up the next day looking like a slob. A lot of the nerds at the school knew that they would have their hearts broken the next day, but they didn't care.

Chazz, who was always very careful when it came to his boyfriend, had planned a special meal for just the two of them tonight. It was supposed to be a Valentines Day date; the only difference with this one was the next day they would still be together. While he'd managed to get his boyfriend distracted, Chazz slipped away. Hurrying to prepare the last little bit of the meal. There wasn't really much left to do, except keep Jaden away from the food and make the dessert. Knocking lightly on the dorm door that belonged to Hassleberry, Chazz waited patiently for the boy to open the door. When the door did finally open, Chazz could smell the lovely smell of the cheesecake in the oven, the light airy smell of the cooking mixture was a pleasant surprise.

"Thought I'd give you a hand seeing as I was keeping the Sarge out anyway!" Hassleberry said, smiling at the raven haired boy. As Chazz checked everything was ok, he quietly thanked Hassleberry and then requested he stay until later. Of course Hassleberry didn't make too much of a fuss. There wasn't anywhere he needed to be until the next day when he'd go help out one or two of the broken hearted boys. Sighing slightly as he ran a hand through his hair, Chazz exited the room, heading to the little waterfall that he and Syrus had found a while back. That is were he had told the boy to meet him, if he'd managed to slip away that is. As he approached the clearing that had the waterfall flowing through, he could hear Syrus talking to someone. Entering the clearing, Chazz noticed that Syrus was sitting on the edge of the pool, talking to himself.

Shaking his head lightly, Chazz walked over to the small boy, wrapping his arms affectionately around his waist. "Hey there, baby boy" Chazz whispered, getting a giggle out of the smaller boy. Syrus looked back at the taller boy and smiled happily, gently placing a kiss to the end of the boy's nose. Another giggle came from the boy when Chazz scrunched his nose up. Gently picking up the smaller boy, Chazz gently cradled him in his arms. He didn't care how cheesy he was being, he truly loved this boy and that's all that mattered to him. As the sky started to turn a deep shade of pink, Chazz decided that it was time to head back to the dorms. So gently bending down to let the smaller boy onto his back, he smiled over his shoulder. This boy truly was amazing, maybe not at duelling, but that can always be improved later down the line.

The journey back to the dorms was shorter then one would expect. It was filled with laughter from the couple as they continued towards the dorms. Chazz noticed that the dorms hadn't burnt down and Jaden was still protesting about not getting food, so everything was perfect. Climbing the stairs to the second floor of the dorms, Chazz walked towards his dorm. Setting down his boyfriend at the door, he opened it, revealing the candle lit room and complete with rose petals everywhere.

Smiling to himself, Chazz led the small boy over to the table and walked to the kitchen to find Hassleberry putting the finishing touches to the food. "Thanks for the help; I can manage it from here though!" Chazz said, making the Ra Yellow jump slightly. "Alright, I'll take the Sarge to get some food now! Later Chazz, later Syrus!" Hassleberry said, leaving the dorm and closing the door.

Once the couple were left to themselves, they loosened up a little bit. Chazz put on some romantic music and plated up the food, taking the plates to the little table that was set up. All the candles were adding to the loving atmosphere and the mood was a relaxed and comfortable one, compared to when the others were there. Then it was more of an edgy mood. Although all of the others knew about the relationship, they didn't know the full extent of it.

Placing a plate of soup down in front of Syrus, Chazz gave a warm smile, placing his plate down as well. As the couple ate their meals there was a little talk, nothing serious. The music filled any gaps in conversation which meant that there was never any true silence. As the night wore on, Chazz brought out the dessert, which was a beautifully decorated strawberry cheesecake. The cheesecake was soft and airy, which fitted the mood for tonight amazingly. There was very little to talk about, but that didn't mean the couple didn't try.

Once the cheesecake was done, the couple moved over to the small couch, settling down to watch a movie. As they watched 'The Fault in Our Stars' they shared kisses, and cuddled into each other. Content and happy with the day, the couple fell asleep, snuggled into each other with not a care in the world.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2016 ⏰

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