Chapter 1-The Arrival

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The Old And New

Percabeth Fan Fic

This story takes place in the Percabeth The After Effect World, just after Chapter 44. This story is in first person to try it out, if you do not like it, leave a comment.


"Oh Shit!" I yelled, as I stumbled while running through the woods.

"Hey, just because we're escaping a monster, doesn't give you any right to swear!" Was the indignant reply from my sister, Amber.

"Shut it you two, be quiet!" Was the reply from my PE coach, Hedge. "I think it lost us!"

"Really? Good!" Was the reply from my sister.

We all peeked over the stone ridge to see a large, lumbering figure over the ridge, about 50 feet away. My sister then slipped on a stone, which rolled down the ridge, knocking a boulder with a "clink". 2 beady red eyes locked onto us, and I though I could feel him drilling into my soul.

"Yeah, we defiantly lost him" I said, sarcastically. "Thanks Sis!"

We, my sister and I leapt to opposite sides, while the bull man ran between us, shattering the rock ridge, while Coach Hedge insisted on jumping to one side then hitting him with his baseball bat, yelling "DIE!!"

Great, we had a physopathic goat man on our side!

The bull man, then my brain though, no, Minotaur, looked like he was going to run off the cliff, but he hit a shield of blue glowing light, and rebounded, stunned.

"Look out!" Yelled Hedge. "No shit" I replied, diving out of the way, my sister yelling. "Stop f*cking swearing!" I replied with a snarky, "Hippocrite!"

As the Minotaur completed another charge, I realised that I had a twisted ankle, and the Minotaur locked his sights on me, ready to finish me off. I was ready to accept my fate, when a figure with what looked like a sword and shield, ran into my sight line, standing above me, guarding me.

Fire flared to one side as I saw a kid with torches, actual medieval torches at his feet, imitating fire burning in his hands, then I looked closer.

"Hey your hands are on fire!" I yelled at the kid

"HAHAHA! Well you don't know me, that's how Leo rolls!" Yelled the kid, who's name was Leo from that statement.

"Shut up Leo!" Was the reply from behind me, as I realised I was being dragged by a person, a girl, judging from her voice. "Uhhhhgg, Jason, can you take this one, he's too heavy!"

"Sorry Pipes, I got him" Came another voice from behind me, this time male, presumably this Jason the girl mentioned. Suddenly I was lifted by strong hands, then the kid started to climb a tree for some reason, as I got higher off the ground. But it was at this point I realised, I wasn't climbing a tree. I WAS FLYING!!!!

"Hey where's my sister, and by Gods, HOW CAN YOU FLY!!!!??" I yelled

"Relax, their taking care of the Minotaur, your sister is safe, but your severely hurt, so I'm taking you to the infirmary, ok?" Came the reply from Jason.

"Ok, just don't drop me!"


I should probably introduce myself at this point. My name is Max Silverthorn, I'm 16 and I have no father. My mother is the sweetest person ever and my sister is, well annoying. My sister is my twin, yet she acts like she's 5 years older than she is, even though I'm older by 2 miniutes. I lived in Manhattan and ever since the "great sleep of manhattan" about 6 years ago, I've been plagued by monsters. My sister and I have been moving from school to school, with freaky accidents occurring, and every time we are forced to change schools. My sister and I both know fencing and self defence, which we were forced into by our mother, Grace. We've been on the run for 4 days now, being chased by this Minotaur, Until tonight, we've been on the run, but he's caught up to us now...


I woke up in a comfortable bed, with my left arm in a sling and my right ankle hurting like hell. My mouth tasted like my mothers hot chocolate, just perfect. Oh yeah and their was a half horse man and a girl standing over me.

"Where the hell am I?" I asked, rather indignant "And where is my sister?!"

"Relax, please, your making it hard on yourself" The girl said, calmingly

"This is the infirmary, at camp half-blood." She continued "My name is Jasmine, I'm a healer"

"Ok, I'm Max, and who is this Centaur?" I say, directing the question to the horse man.

The girl, Jasmine, blinked. "How do you know what a Centaur it?"

"I pay attention in history, Greek is my favourite"

"You can pay attention? Please! Brother you struggle to do anything!" Came my sisters voice from the bed beside me

I was about to fling a come back at her, when a girl walked a wounded boy with an orange tee shirt in, claw marks across his chest.

"What happened?" Came the question from the Centaur, obviously the one in charge.

"A small hell hound got in and it wen-" She locked eyes at me, as I was staring "Gods, who are you?"

"Roxie, please pay attention, but this is Max, a new camper, got in last night."

"Pleased to meet you Roxie" I say "I'd shake you hand, but..." I motion toward my arm.

"Don't bother, maybe some other time" She said, giggling.

Oh boy, I liked this girl.

A boy walked in, then I realised it was the guy who saved me last night. BY FLYING!

"Thanks" I call out before anyone spoke

"For what?" Came the reply

"For last night, Jason"

"How do you know my name?" He said, skeptical

"That girl, you called her... Pipes?"

"Ooh that Piper, my, well girl friend"

"Anyway, just wanted to say thanks for last night"

"Welcome, when you get up, I'll introduce you to the rest of the gang"

"Ok bye!"


Jason then walked out of the infirmary, which looked like a pavilion, over too a group of boys who began to laugh.

After about 3 hours of answering questions for the Centaur, I finally drifted off to sleep. My first mistake


Hope you enjoyed the first chaper!

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1st or 3rd person?!

Stay tuned for more!


The Old And The New-A Percabeth Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now