Chapter 5

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I'm writing these on Christmas hols so don't expect so many updates once I go back to school.






I caught my sister and grabbed a bow of a fallen camper and notched 3 arrows at once and fired them at the man.

Apparently he didn't expect to be fired upon and the 3 arrows hit his gut and he doubled over in pain.

I pushed my sister into Leo's arms, his face wearing a shocked expression and I ran inside after my brother.

I found him inside, cradling a girls head, she was hurt, but not with life threatening injuries.

"Roxie, bunks... Collapsed on her...." The girl croaked and passed out.

I ran over to the pile of rubble that had once been 5 bunk beds, a desk and a masonry archway and willed the water from the burst pipes in the bathroom to dig through the rubble. After about 5 minutes of digging, I pulled Roxie's limp and wounded form from the rubble. 'Thank the gods' I thought 'She's alive!'. I yelled to the boys outside "I NEED A MEDIC!!"

The message was passed on and in another 5 minutes, she was lying on a bed in the infirmary next to Annabeth, Percy and I standing over both of them, silently guarding the people we love. We had refused to leave the infirmary and not even Chiron could draw us away. We stood over them throughout the night, sleeping on spare beds next to them for a few hours each in shifts.

Around 2 A.M, Annabeth woke up and Percy was with her, holding her close and kissing her.

I watched to two, and held my head in my hands, siting on a chair next to Roxie's bed. 3 tears splashed on her chest before I realised that I was crying. I wrapped my arms around her and cried into her shoulder, the other two watching as I wept into her, allowing me time to expend my grief.

I sat up, after a dreamless sleep, lying in my bed in my cabin. My eyes focused on my surroundings and I sat bolt upright. I pulled on my shirt and pants and ran out to the infirmary. I glanced down at my watch: 7:36 A.M. Boy I was up early, then I looked around and noticed a number of campers awake. I slowed my pace and walked inside. I went over to the bay Annabeth and Roxie were in, and sure enough, Roxie was still in there, being attended to by a doctor.

"How is she? Will she be ok?" I asked the doctor

"She is in a stable condition, she is expected to pull through." The doctor replied. Her eyes then focused on me and she continued. "You must really care for her, don't you?"

I didn't bother denying it. "Yeah, I do. But... It just hurts seeing her like that, so lifeless."

The doctor smiled. "I'll try my best, now you should go to breakfast, I'll stay here and watch her."

The day passed quickly. Archery was easy, I was on par with the Apollo kids. Sword fighting was easy, I quickly beat most opponents, losing only to Percy. Every free point of time I had was spent watching over Roxie.

It was about 7:30 P.M. I was in the infirmary with Roxie when she groaned and sat up. I blinked: "Your awake!" I said.

"Unngh what happened?" She said weakly

"A man, dressed in camouflage clothing shot you with a silver arrow. He's killed 7 Athena campers. Not counting Annabeth, she's fine." I gave her the run down of the other events that occurred, not telling her about me watching her, or how I raced over to see her in the morning. "C'mon, let's head to the camp fire, don't want to miss out!"

She managed a weak smile, and I helped her over to the campfire, burning strong from raised spirits. The singing abruptly died down when I helped Roxie over. I scanned the crowd and saw Percy and Annabeth in the top row, looking down at us, somewhat surprised. I helped Roxie sit down and then took my seat. Nothing eventful happened until right at the end when the entire camp was silent for one moment.

I craned my neck to see what happened and climbed to the top of the stands and looked down. 2 figures were looking at each other, one kneeling.

Percy was proposing to Annabeth...

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