Chapter 6

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Sorry for no updates, but tell me what I'm doing wrong or what you would like to see!




I stumbled out of the infirmary after a day and a 3/4 in there being attended to by a medic. I thanked him then went over to the campfire. I just took my seat next to my brother, who didn't notice me. Everyone was looking at 2 figures, one kneeling.

Percy was proposing to Annabeth.

I grinned and I listened in

"Annabeth, you are the most remarkable, brave and strongest half-blood I have ever met. Will you do the honours of marrying me?" Percy said.

"GODS OF OLYMPUS, Of course!" Annabeth shrieked with joy.

A massive cheer went up from the gathered campers as the 2 demigods embraced and kissed. Chiron then stamped his hoof, and said it was time for bed. The campers dispersed and I stood up so fast I ran into someone, knocking them down.

"Oh! Gods of Olympus, I'm sorry!" I said, somewhat shocked. I offered my hand to the boy I knocked over. He had a mop of blonde hair, blue eyes and was wearing the symbol of Apollo on his bead necklace with 9 beads. He introduced himself as Will Solace, son of Apollo and 17 years old.

"Amber Silverthorn, Daughter of Poseidon and 16 years old" I replied

"Nice to meet you Amber... Saaaay weren't you just in the infirmary?"

"Yeah, those arrows are nasty" I said, pain coming back to me.

He nodded grimly. "You encountered a servant of Orion, nasty cyborg assassins. Good shots, but no remorse for females who dare to be strong." A few of the campers glanced at us, as it was odd for a boy and girl to stay behind. Some snickered as they got the wrong idea.

I sighed. "I should go to my cabin, see you tomorrow."

"Night and sleep well!" He called back.

I ran back to my cabin to find Percy and Annabeth in Percy's bunk and my brother right at the back of the cabin in the top bunk. I chose to sleep right next to the door, a curtain pulled over my bunk, as I lay my head on the pillow I fell into a dream.


I sat up with a gasp, back in one my brothers and I's safe houses, on our way to camp. Arrows thunked into the wall next to my head, and in stood up and ran out. This particular safe house was a lumberjacks cabin we had used about a month ago. I was tearing through the dense forest at breakneck speed and after running for 500 meters, I looked back to see the servant of Orion not even breathing heavy, and arrow notched at me. He fired the arrow into my gut and I fell, clutching the wound and gasping for air. He strode over and drew a small curved hunting knife and raised it over my head. 3 arrows them landed in his gut with a thunk and he vanished along with the dream.


I awoke with a start, sitting up in my bunk. I looked around, wondering what safe house I was in. Then I remembered where I was. Camp. Home. Safe. I though about why I called this place home. Was it because I lived here safely? Or was it because I had a crush on someone? Honestly? I didn't know.

I heard a voice outside calling: "Amber? Max? You two in there?"

I looked around for my brother and peeked in his bunk, then splashed salt water on his face, waking him up.

"I hate you". He muttered.

"Love you too, brother dear." I replied. My brother was NOT a morning person.

I walked out to see the engaged couple waiting for us. They told us that I was a maid of honour and my brother was Percy's best man.

"Where's Max?" My sister in law asked.

"Oh he's just making out with Roxie in there. I wonder who is gonna suck who's face off!"

"AAAAAAMMMMMMBBBBBEEEEERRRR!!!!!!!" The roar came from inside, followed by a tilde wave of water slamming into me, Percy and Annabeth, throwing us back about 10 meters.

My brother had apparently been woken up enough to hear what I said and be able to get back at me.

He had crashed in his clothes and he walked out, looking extremely pissed off and embarrassed at the same time.

We couldn't help it. We all just burst out laughing, from Max to Annabeth, untill our sides hurt. We all walked to breakfast, talking about the wedding. Will solace, the kid I ran into last night, and the one I had a crush on, walked over to Poseidon table to congratulate us and he motioned for me to follow him. We walked out of the pavilion and stood in the crisp morning air.

"Soo... Will, what did you want to tell me?"

"Ask" He corrected. "Chiron wanted me to get an assessment on your health after the... Incident." His face then blushed and he looked a bit embarrassed. " I also, may have wanted to check up on you, y'know, to see how you were doing"

I told him some of the limitations of my wounded body, discovering new ones as we went along.

After about 15 or so minutes, we finished the assessment and I hugged Will as to say thank you for worrying about me and we walked back in.

"So, Amber, what percentage of that time you were out there was you two making out?" Max asked. I cursed, I'd given my brother a chance to use a line against me that I had used.

"About the same amount of time you were making out with Roxie this morning" I flung at him quiet enough so only our table could hear.

We exchanged glares until Percy change the subject.

"Soo, Max, I was gonna ask you to be my best man."

"Sure." My brother replied.

Breakfast continued as normal, nothing special happening, except for a glass of orange juice being poured over a boys head. Most of us laughed until Chiron silenced us.


Archery Practice


Most of the Apollo kids were showing off until Max and I took up a bow. We out matched all but 1 Apollo kid. Most of the Apollo campers were gawking at us wondering how we were so good to be able to beat them. One camper shot himself with the arrow and we were left wondering how he did it. In the end, Max and I were asked by Chiron to help others learn how to shoot. We then took over the lesson, teaching others how to handle the weapon.

In our free time, just before lunch and after archery, Annabeth and Percy took us to the weapon store. My brother selected a bow, a sword that collapses into a dagger and shield. I chose to go for twin daggers with a collapsable shield that shrunk into a bracelet.

After lunch we had sword practice, where my brother and I beat all the opponents, although it took both of us to defeat Percy.

During our free time I saw Max and Roxie having a picnic on the beach. I was stuck in the infirmary as another camper had managed to shoot himself while I was teaching him a bit more. I was waiting next to the bed the camper was in, after answering questions for Chiron when Will approached me.

"Hey Amber, wanna go to the beach?"

"Why? Are you asking me out?"

"NO! I mean no, not really, but it's New Years Eve! Everyone is at the beach!"

"Oh jeez, I forgot! Time is hard when your on the run"

The entire camp was at the beach when Will and I got down and we sat on Max's rug, which he didn't seem to mind since Roxie was leaning her head on his shoulder and he was leaning his head on her head.

The entire sat on the beach and watched the fire works while I rested my head on Wills shoulder. That summed up one of the best nights of my life.

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