Her Chapter

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Day 2

I can't believe what I did! Did I make a huge mistake? My friends tell me no, that I'm going to be happier this way. I know I wasn't the happiest I could have been with him, but I can't help but feel like I'm going to be missing something. The girls are taking me out tonight  to "celebrate my new freedom."

Day 4

So far this has been great! I've gone out a few nights and we've had so much fun. I knew I was missing out on my 20s. I slept with some random from the bar and it felt so good to go crazy. They were right, I do feel free! Is this feeling going to stop!?

Day 10

I don't go out as much as I was, but I'm still having fun. There's a new guy at work I've been flirting with too. I might ask him out soon if he doesn't ask me first. This whole experience has been so eye opening! I have so many people in my life to be around.

Day 30

The excitement of everything has died down a bit and I find myself missing the familiarity of him. It's probably just a little bout of loneliness, I'll be over it soon. My friends are seemingly not as supportive anymore. I don't know what's up with them.

Day 45

I started going out with the new guy at work. He used to go to school with him. I'm not sure how serious it's going to get with him.

Day 46

He took me out last night. It was horrible. He just wanted to use me. I miss how things used to be. I was in love. I miss him.

Day 60

I'm alone. My friends are too busy with their own lives to help me. I'm not sure I would have trusted them with my thoughts anyway. Were they really my friends in the first place? I miss him more than anything. I thought I was over him but I'm not. I'm not sure what to do now.

Day 73

I can't stop remembering all we had. I feel myself slowly slipping into a depression and I don't have anyone to turn to. Everyone has shut me out. I could go to him, but I'd never do that. I know he would do anything for me, including  helping me even if it meant hurting himself.

Day 75

I bought my own drinks for the first time in awhile. I needed to get this off my mind.

Day 80

The more I'm alone, the more I miss him. The silence is deafening and it's so hard. The sadness is all consuming and seems to be my only company. I can't let him go.

Day 93

I can't believe what I did. I hear he's with someone else and they're happy. I can't forget all that we did, and now all I think of is him doing them with her. I'm not sure where I am in life anymore. This is the worst feeling ever.

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