Chapter 2

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Today is thursday and I'm on m way to the cemetery. I visit her grave once a week, just to clarify that everything is good up there. 

-Do you want me to drive you or do you walk? my mom asked. 

-I think I'll walk today, it's pretty warm outside actually.

-Yeah, sure. Text me if you want me to pick you up.

-I will. Can you give me the flowers that's on the table? It's our anniversary. We've been friends for 9 years today so I bought her favourite flowers for her. 

Her grave is on the right side of the church, in the middle of the third row. 

I was just walking around the corner when I see a guy sitting in front of her grave. 

-Hi, I said with a shaky voice. 

-Hi, he answered without even looking up on me.

I sat down next to him and that's when he finally looked up. I saw in his eyes that he'd been crying. 

I put the flowers on the ground in front of the gravestone and in the corner of my eyes I saw him looking at me.

-Sooo, you knew her for a long time? he asked me.

-Yeah, we became best friends when I first moved here when I was 6. What about you? For how long did you know her?

-Our parents were friends so we grew up together and we kind of had to be friends because of our parents. 

-Were you guys close? 'Cause I feel like I should have heard about you if you grew up together, I said and smiled a bit. 

-For the first 15 years we were very close but then something happened. Our parents lost pretty much all contact and so did we, and then we were like strangers. I can admit I thought about writing to her a lot but I never did. Then one day when I came home from school my parents sat in the couch and they both looked sad, so I asked them what was wrong, and they told me Andrea had passed away. How did you found out? 

-Well, we had been friends for a very long time so of course I knew that she was deppressed and that she had suicidal thoughts, but I never thought she would actually do it. But then one day her parents came over to our house and told us. I was heartbroken and I felt like it was my fault. We were together the day before and when I was on my way home she stopped me before I got on the bus and told me she loved me more than she loved herself and she gave me a necklace. 

I started crying and he hugged me and then we just sat there crying. 

-It's already 2pm, I need to go, he said and stood up. 

-Sure. It was nice meeting you, I said and smiled at him. 

-It was nice meeting you too. Hope to see you soon again. Oh by the way, my name is Eric.

-My name is Kaitlyn. 

He walked away and I sat there. I just wanted a couple of minutes to talk to her alone. 

-Hi Andrea. How's everything up there? I miss you a lot. I bought your favourite flowers because it's our anniversay today. We've officially been best friends for 9 years. I can't belive it. 9 years is a hella lot, I said and laughed as the tears were streaming down my cheeks. I just met Eric, your old friend. He seems very nice and he's really handsome. He told me that you guys lost your contact when you were 15, I feel really sad for him that he didn't get to spend your last 2 years with you. I have to go now, I'll see you next week. I love you. 

I stood up looked at the picture of her. I started crying even more and then I walked away. 

When I came to the parking lot I saw my mom's car so I jumped in the front seat. 

-Hi darling, how are you?

-Not good. I miss her more and more for every day that passes. I don't know if I'm able to live when she's not here with me. I'm not even kidding!!

-Calm down honey. You just have to stay strong and think about all the positive things in life. 

-Yeah, you're probably right. 

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