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After Alice's little surprise, I managed to pull the dresser back enough so I could squeeze through the door; left it only open enough to have my smaller frame pass through. Thank goodness she's bigger than me.

As we both walked out to greet Lance, Alice ran ahead and hugged him. I didn't feel the need to do all that. I did feel close to him, but part of me just wasn't as lovey-dovey as Alice was with him. This all did remind me that I was just a second choice. No matter if we did do it.

He could always go running back to her. Well, she's the one running to him anyway.

I better not be jealous.

My heart hurts.

Worry about that later.

The concentrated figure in my mind spoke, and was now doing most of the thinking while the little one sat in the corner being cooed by her pillow.

As I crossed my arms and leaned on the railing, I caught Lance's eyes on me. He had been staring at me since arriving and had not once looked over to Alice, who showered him in attention.

I know what he was thinking, it had to be something about her being overly attached. It was true, though. Ever since I had gotten closer to him, her claws have come out. She saw him as her's, and a part of me told me not to mind, but I couldn't.

Biting my lips, I looked away. I heard him tell Alice to go on inside, she then skipped all the way back to the house while ignoring me. Quickly I stole a glance at Lance's face as he opened the back. Smirking, he tilted his head, then called out to me. "You, too. I have a surprise for you."

Yippy. Today is just full of surprises, will you try to kill me, too?

Be nice, meanie.

Oh, you go suck your thumb or something.

I walked away wondering why the magenta skies were whispering stories to me about a girl who had ran under their skies fighting for love, peace, and freedom. She sounded great, but what did it have to do with me? Rubbing my arms I wished I could meet her.

Alice sat on the table while I chose a chair on the opposite side. We both didn't bother looking over at each other. The tapping of my nails matched the swinging of her legs. From how I had fought back, she knew better than try and piss me off again. Mentally I thanked the rude, pissy fighter in me for pushing my ass into action or else I would have had just stayed silent by the window.

Clearing her throat, I looked up to see her eyes glow at the entrance. Lance had a bag with him, and it wasn't just any bag; a pretty one with a logo that caused Alice to squeal.

Oh, she's going to love this surprise. I rolled my eyes, then wiped away the strands of hair that she caused to fly in my face as she jumped down.

"Oh, what is it?!" She bounced her thick braid near his chest while trying to peek inside the bag. I had no interest for clothes like she did. I wore whatever fit me, and didn't complain if I wore it for days.

Lance chuckled, and calmed her down. He reached in then took out a skillet sized packet of chocolates, and handed it to Alice. Her raven eyes twinkled as she inspected the wrapping. Chocolates were such an easy way into her heart; they made her inner child happy, and that made all our lives easier.

Quickly kissing his cheek, she ran off to go hide them in her room. My eyes were already on the table by the time Lance had walked up to me.

"Want to see your present?" He asked while holding my chin. I lifted my brown eyes, and his skin brought me back to the butterfly room. Heat spread through my face, then I opened my mouth to tell him I didn't need a present.

"You'll like this, promise, Blanca."

Oh, say my name again. "You make so many promises," I replied with the softest tone I had. My mind was crossing roads, and didn't know where to go.

"And I always keep them." Lance moved behind me, brought me to my feet, and told me to take a look inside. While he stood behind, I sighed and did just that. My hand felt the soft fabric, and I gasped as I pulled out a beautiful laced dress with chiffon trimming.

"It's, um...pretty," I said while staring at the dress. It had a wide neck line, and had mid-lengh sleeves that were coated in the soft, transparent material. I saw it as a modest thing; it was to my knees, and my heart spun on its toes as Lance spoke above my head.

"You won't forget your name anymore. Just look down, see the white dress, Blanca."

I exhaled sharply when I realized he had done something purely kind just for me. "Thank you," I said while turning around. I held out the dress, and bounced it. "It's almost too pretty for me."

"You're too pretty for me," he replied with a cocked brow. Smiling, he leaned back as I snorted.

"What else did you get me, Lan-" Alice hopped through the door then froze when she saw the dress in my hands.

Lance, and I both turned to face her. My eyes showed how awkward I felt. Biting my lip, I turn to him, he didn't seem to notice anything. Instead, he knits his brows, and tells her that was all she would get for now.

"But she got a new dress! Where's mine?!"

Oh, here comes the screaming.

"Alice, you have enough," Lance replied while barely expressing a change in his bland tone. He seemed tired of her little fits.

"No!" She stomps her foot. "I want a new dress, too! Lance, this isn't fair! Her dress is prettier than all of mine!"

"Yours are fine. Blanca deserves her own. Didn't you say you were tired of sharing your dresses with her?"

She snapped her knuckles while shaking them in the air. I backed away, but Lance's hand held me from cowering to the wall.

"Blanca, go to your room and try it on. I hope it fits well," he curled a simple smile while his eyes told me something else; he wanted me out of sight when Alice went wild. Little did he know I knew just how bad she could be. Nodding, I walked past her, and she pushed me with her shoulder.

"Alice!" His voice boomed through both of us. Though he had said her name, I froze, too. I felt a hand on my back, then I flinched away. "Blanca, it's all right. Just go, no one is going to hurt you." This time he had used a gentle hush to politely shoo me away. My eyes darted to the side, and I saw Alice's nails digging into her own thumbs as she peeled a layer of skin while burning her coal eyes into my soul.

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