Part 3

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You can't be fucking serious.... Don't even know her, I want to,no I don't! Well actually I really want to it's just... If she wants to get to know me she'll run as far away as possible she's too hot and we'll nerdy!
I'm going to have to be bold cause I doubt she'll make the first move! I write on a note 'my place at 4pm,10 east end road, project needs to get started' I place it in her pockets as I'm about to leave I just hope she reads it in time.
I don't really like the thought of working with someone else, I like to keep to my self and every fucker knows this even the teachers I can't believe sir did this actually yes I can he's had it out for me since the start! I will not let her in after this project we will just go back to being strangers again it's just easier that way and hey! She's a nerd with a loving family wouldn't wanna ruin that for her ay


I'll invite him round mine, that'll be easier I think but do I really want him knowing where I live and how my family are... shit maybe I could ask him to go to him house, I shove  my hands in my pockets and feel something, I reads 'my place at 4pm,10 east end road, project needs to get started' I guess it's from Luke, wait wtf does he even love ugh guess I'm going to his then after all well after I try and find his a dress somehow... that worked out better than I expected.
So yanno because I'm a nerd well im going change that so let's say used to be a nerd I manage to find his address on one of the school computers, it actually was really easy and really need to improve on there security to be honest with you! I think I'm just going to stay in the clothes I had on before, I don't care about impressing him yet... wait yet wtf I don't want to impress him at all,before school ended I asked some people about luke, I found out his last name is hemmings ( which helped me find his facebook.. shush I'm stalker okay) he's a player, never close to anyone and only has two friends Harry and Adam which are just as bad apparently, he has tattoos even tho he tries to hide them and he's just the bad boy rebel of the school... everyone was quite shocked I'd never heard or knew about him until now apparently he's been in my classes from the very beginning hah who knew, guess it's cause I was always at the front #teacherpet not my nickname of choice btw anyways just before I leave i tell my mum where I'm going, she never cares what I'm doing or where I'm going for all she knows I'm getting pissed at a party but even then she wouldn't care....
I arrive at the address and it's not what I expected at all, it's a big mansion type place with big metal gates that you have to be buzzed into, this better be the right place and not a prank or a swear.... "Are you just going to stand there looking at my house or are you going to come it" Luke says standing outside his door with a mischievous grin on his face and a very cocky attitude.. wish me luck


I can't tell if she likes the house or is just surprised, okay time to be honest this isn't actually mine it's my nans but she said I could use it for studying as mines an apsolute mess and it's where I tell the school I love so they don't freak that I'm on my own!
I buzz her in and hope this goes well cause honestly I can't deal with awkward people it frustrates me and I don't really know her, I tried asking people around school but no one really does like at all!  it's weird like I know I've seen her since I first ever started school but I never really paid attention to who she was or who she hung out with, let's just hope she normal and doesn't get the wrong idea, I don't do clingy girls and I don't do relationships she better know this other wise this could get awkward

Two hours later...

I wake up to find her, asleep.. On my chest... how the fuck did this happen! I don't know what to do, and I kind of have a another problem as I can kind of see I've grown a little down stairs if you know what a I mean... what! I'm a teenage boy jeez it's natural and there a girl literally lay on top of me!

Right let me think about what happen! So it started off  really awkward and I didn't really know what to do or say but then me and her kind of relaxed and got used to eachother, we didn't do much of the project we were laughing too much, which is a good thing as I haven't done that in a long time, shit we didn't really do any of the project... guess I'll see a lot more of Megg if this keeps happening, She's different from everyone else, she has this darkness inside of her that's just like me that either wanted to be free or hidden all at Once, I can tell cause sometimes it's like she forces her to smile and she's always pulling her sleeve down like it's nervous habit trying to hide herself but she also has a light that's come out when she smiles or laughs you can see it in her eyes the fire and we'll clearly certain other places like her also;)
When I get out of my daze and realised the movie had gone off, i go to turn it off when i realised  meggs asleep on my bed, on me so I can't actually move... fuck might aswell just go back to sleep nothing else I can do really, well I could push her off me and get her to leave like I usually do but we had a good time for once in my sad life and I don't actually want her to ignore me which is weird but anyways let's just go sleep and see what happens tomorrow

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2022 ⏰

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