Chapter 6 - A Trial

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“You’re almost done with the whole thing Aubrey!” Harry said when we were sitting at our diningtable discussing our wedding. We had our hands leaning over the table as we now constantley had to touch each other.


We haven’t been able to touch each other for two freaking months so you can’t blame me.

“I have not! There is plenty of stuff to do” I said and showed him a list of things that needed to be done before our big day.

“Okay, but what can I do that Jason haven’t done yet?” I heard the venom through his voice when he said Jason's name and I gave him a look. “What?!” he asked, trying to look as innocent as possible.

“I know you’re jealous” I said and looked at the list instead of him.

“I’m not!” he protested.

“Harry you’re always jealous of Jason” I loved joking around with Harry. Even though we are talking about serious stuff, somehow he always find a way to make the situation easier and more positive.

“I’m not!” He repeated. I didn’t even answer that, I just continued on looking through the list of things we needed to do. When I had counted up about twenty things Harry groaned loudly.

“Can’t we do something fun instead?” This felt like I was his tutor or something.

“Like what?” This made a smirk appear on his face. He got up from his chair and sat down beside me instead.

“I have some ideas” I felt his arms get around my waist as his lips started to nibble on the lobe of my ear. He left small kisses on my neck and on my jawline, and I closed my eyes for a second just enjoying what he was doing. When I let out a little sound from the back of my throath I felt him smirk against my skin.

“Harry...” I lifted my right hand and tried to find his shirt so I could push him back, but instead I found his other hand that dragged me so I would sit in his lap. I was now straddeling him. He kissed me with hungry lips and right now I couldn’t do anything to stop him. He took a firm hold around my waist as he began to stand up and walk. While he was walking I wrapped my legs around his waist. When he closed the door to our bedroom my mind got up from the little dreamy fase it had in and I realized what was about to happen. No, no- NO.

“Harry...” I tried to tell him to take it slow when he placed me on the bed, putting him on top, but he wouldn’t listen. 

“Harry, please stop” he was now leaving butterfly kisses on my throath, going lower and lower. He looked up to me to see if it was okay, when he slowly put his hands under my shirt. That was my que to end this. I grabbed his hands and placed them in mine as I sat up and pushed him off me.

“Aubrey please” he said with begging eyes.

“No” I had a stern voice because I knew what I wanted, and that is not going all the way with Harry tonight.

“Why not?” he asked even though he knew more then well why not.

“Because!” I threw my hands in the air and looked him in the eyes. “We've been through this baby, and last time I checked you respected me for that decision I made” I got up from the bed and walked into the kitchen to find a cookie or something like that. It's kind of weird, but ever since I moved in with Harry we have of course been through some fights, and during every fight I needed cookies. I have no idea why though. I searched through the storage where we kept all the dry food. Where are the damn cookies? I am sure I bought some the other day.

“Aubrey, I just don't understand. No one will know if we do it now or the day after the wedding. I just don't see why you want to wait if we're ready for it” he stood in the doorway of the kitchen, leaning on one side.

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