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Authors POV

It was a sunny day, and everything seemed perfect. The benches was filled with guestes full of excitement and full of relief. This was the day. This was it. Aubrey was preparing herself with the help from Perrie and Moalinn in a room near the church while Harry was trying to calm down from the hallway with Louis by his side who were saying calming words all the time. Niall, Liam, Zayn and Louis were all chosen to be bestmens because Harry refused to chose one of them to his bestman. They all were his best mates.

The acoustic version of What Makes You Beautiful without vocals began and that was the que for Liam, Zayn, Louis and Niall to walk in. they were all dressed in black tuxes and they were all fighting the tears to roll down. Niall and Louis walked first side by side and behind them Zayn and Liam was walking. The cameras was already snapping and they all smiled the best they could. A few meters behind them Harry came walking alone, his heart throbbing. This is it, he thought. He walked all the way to the isle without tripping, throwing up or getting blinded by the cameras. Even though they wanted a private wedding the papparazzies had found them and a few was here at the ceremony. When Harry was at the front, he turned around took a deep breath and waited for his very-soon-to-be-wife to come out. The song continued and Perrie and Moalinn came in, with light shaded pink dresses, both holding a small bouqet of roses. They were walking side by side, both very proud and very excited that the day they all had waited for so long finally was here. When they were halfway through the isle the door went up and there she was; Aubrey.

When she was walking down the isle, she was staring at Harry. She met his eyes and felt the compassion, she felt the love. She thought back to the latest weeks how crazy everything had been and how happy she was that everything turned out the way it did. She remembered the week without Harry and when she realized she can't live without him. She realized that this was the right thing to do and she realized that she loved Harry over everything on this earth. Her eyes was about to water when she reached the front, but she held it in. Harry reached out his hand to her and she gripped it without hesitation. The music faded and Aubrey saw how Harry mouthed a 'You look amazing' to her and she sent him a smile before she mouthed 'You too' back. Then they both turned to the priest in front of them and he began his speech about how they are suppose to love each other no matter what and how they must understand the other partners condiciiouns and that love isn't just a pschycal thing, its also about understanding and trusting each other. When the priest meantioned trust, Aubrey sqeezed Harry's hand a little bit extra just to show him that she really did trust him from now on.

“Do you, Harry Edward Styles, take Aubrey Justine Green to love unconditionally and to stay by her side until death tears you apart?” His eyes met hers and the love was almost touchable. You could feel it in the air.

“I do”

“Do you, Aubrey Justine Green, take Harry Edward Styles to love unconditionally and to stay by his side until death tears you apart?”

“I do”

“The rings?”

Louis stepped forward and took out the rings and reached them over to the new husband and wife. Harry took the rings with shaky hands and put the golden ring on Aubrey's left ringfinger. Aubrey did the same and now they were just staring at each other, not really believing that this actually was happening.

“Now, you may kiss the bride” after a second or two, Harry leaned forward and gave her a kiss that was what you can call 'The Perfect Kiss'.

This day couldn't get any better.

After a long day of many kisses, happy whises, hugs, dances and delicious food Harry and Aubrey headed back to a fance hotel where they would spend their night together.

Even though this story might not seem like a fairlytale, because of the One Direction part, but I – the author of this story – is a realy fairytale lover. That's why I am ending this story with this sentence:

...and then they lived happily ever after.



So this was probably the most emotional story I've written and I actually really liked it. Hope you did as well :)

This was the very end, but look out, there might be some extra chapters, if I want to write some :) 

Check out my other One Direction fanfic; Mixed Up! Hope you like that one as well! :D

Have a nice day lovers :*:*:*

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