My everyday embrassement

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The class was over, and I tried my best to gather my things and leave before I get questioned from the new kid. I gathered my things, and as I was exiting the classroom I tripped and fell and all of my books and papers went flying everywhere. Luckily no one was there I started to get up and started to gather my things. As I was doing that a shadow covered, and bended down to give me my things, and then a sweet Britsh accent spoke to me....

"Hello, I'm harry, Harry Styles the unknown kid that no girl should date."

I gave him small nod and a smile and ran out of the door, not knowing what to do other than cry and cry, listening to another guy telling me his name, giving me a warm smile. NO, NO, NO I don't want this not anymore not after the pain I got from boys. I stumbled and fell, but this time it wasn't in a classroom it was in front of the whole school. Their laughter s, and mean jokes filled my ears until Jessica come. She picked me up and stood for me like always.

"Can you all shut the f**k up. You just can't go around bullying people like this. Don't blame Lara because of what she has or who her father is. She was born like this and you can't judge. And for anything Lara should be the one who bully's you, and get all of you kicked out of school because all of you know who's Lara's father. But she doesn't. You know why she doesn't because Lara here a nice person. So back off, and stay away from her or I will show all of you my bad side.

Before Jessica turned around to see me, I turned around to go to the bathroom to cry my heart out, but I bumped into someone. And it was Harry. I dropped everything I have , looked at him for a second and ran to the bathroom while Jessica tan after me.

I walked in the bathroom, luckily no one was their, I looked into one of the mirrors and smashed my hand into it. The blood started to stream down my hand, but I to cover it when Jessica come in.

"Hey cheer up, I gotcha you, don't cry, don't show them that you are weak. In fact. You are stronger than any of them," Jessica said holding my as my body got weaker and weaker because of my crying.

"Why?" I questioned.

"Why what?" Jessica answered.

"Why was I chosen to be heart broken from my true love? Why was I chosen to get bullied at my own school? Why was I chosen to be hated? Is it that hard for people to love me, even the one I truly love? So If people don't want me, I just rather die.

Jessica stood their with dead silent, and as I turned away from her a piece of broken glass had fall far away from where I was standing. I walked up to it, and picked it up. I looked at it, and I looked at Jessica I gave her a warm smile and said, " if no one wants me than I shall die goodbye Jessica, and tell my father that I love him. I craved the deepest hole into my stomach and the last thing I could remember was Jessica's screaming and crying echoing throughout the whole bathroom....

A/N: once again a very bad chapter, but thanks for the people that are reading it. ;))))

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